I. Do You Like Scary Movies?

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  Chapter 1,
    Do You Like Scary Movies?

  Mika was home alone, her mother being out of the house and her older sister being out of her life. Not that she cared though, she was going to invite her best friend, Summer, so she wasn't really going to be alone. Bonus points for her mother forgetting to lock up the liquor cabinet, tonight was going to be fun for her, well, it was supposed to be. As she cooked her stove popcorn, her landline began to ring, and would not stop.

  "Holy fuck." The young girl muttered as she walked over, but not answering it just yet, as she was trying to convince her best friend to keep her company.

  Smiling as she successfully got the girl to accept the invite, thanks to the mentions of an unlocked liquor cabinet and unsupervised teens. Finally, Mika decided to pay attention to the landline, except she hit decline instead of answer. If there was one thing the girl always did, it would be she never answered the phone from anyone that was on the landline, why would she? if you have her number just text her. Taking a pump from her asthma pump, she returned to the stove to keep an eye on the small pan.

 The phone began to ring again, causing Mika to audibly groan and walk over to it, it was no secret how annoying it is when people cannot take the hint. The girl expressed her frustrations to her best friend, to which the girl asked if it was Wes, an old friend of hers that she hardly ever spoke to. 

  "Hello?" Mika spoke as she finally answered the phone, dreading to hear Wes's voice.

"Hello. Is Cristina there?" A voice responded, Mika sighed, grateful that it wasn't the boy but some man who was creepily asking for her mother.

  "No, she's not available. May I take a message?" Mika asked as she walked over to grab a step stool, before walking over to the shelves.

  "Uh yeah, erm. Sorry, I'm a friend of hers from group. Oh shit!" The man stammered, accidentally ratting her mother out.

  Amused Mika smiled to herself, she wanted to know more about this mystery man, curious to know how long him and her mother have been messing around for. Teenagers are brutal, I'll tell you that much.

  "From her shit?" Mika asked, holding back a small laugh as she settled the step stool down in front of the shelves.

  "Look, just tell her I'm from group. I'm Charlie, she's got my number." The man said uneasily, feeling as if he was just about to get grilled by a snarky teenager. Which, spoiler alert, he was.

  "Oh she goes to your group?" Mika asked once more, curiosity was just eating away at her insides that she needed to know more. 

  But you know what they say, curiosity killed the motherfucking cat.

  "Look I shouldn't have.. Uh, just tell her that Charlie called." Charlie breathed out, wanting this phone call to end.

  However, Mika was a stubborn child, yeah she could read a room like an open book but that doesn't mean she was going to automatically go silent. Nope, she was going to keep pushing until he cracked.

  "And I will do exactly that Charlie. Once you tell me what kind of group we're talking about.. Is it AA, NA?" Mika took her phone out of her back pocket and began to text Summer, telling her how she might be on the phone with her mother's potential boyfriend.

  "Well you sound exactly like how she describes you." Charlie stuttered as he tried to get Mika off the topic of the group.

  Taken aback, Mika smiled, surely what her mother says about her in group couldn't be anything good. She's a handful.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now