III. Hobbs and Shaw

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  Chapter 3,
    Hobbs and Shaw

 Alaska, Summer, Camden, Mikaela, Liv, and Wes stood around the bench in front of the school discussing about Mika's attack.

"That was Daphne." Wes stated as he put his phone away, he was proud of himself for contacting Mika's older sister considering nobody had the balls to do it. 

  "She's coming?" Summer asked in a disgusted tone, not excited about having to see Daphne again.

  "Yeah." Wes replied as he looked at the girl, Alaska looked up from her phone and at the boy, but not say anything.

  "Watch everything go from bad to worse." Summer rolled her eyes, Daphne and Summer never really got along.

  Summer was way too possessive, obsessive, and overprotective of Mika as if that was her daughter, Daphne found it uncomfortable and had told her off many times about it. After Daphne left from Woodsboro, Summer started taking over, and began to watch every move Mika would make.

  "Listen all I'm saying is with everything that's going on right now, I think we take our relationship to the next level, most intimate level." Camden stated as he walked towards the group with his arm around his girlfriend, Liv.

 However Liv looked sick and tired of this topic, the group was a little grossed out as they walked over here, and have had zero context.

  "He wants me to accept his Find My Fam request." Liv informs the group as she scoffs, there was no way in hell she would be tracked by her boyfriend.

  Camden rolled his eyes playfully as he pointed at the girl, ready to make his point.

 "It is the smartest option for an almost killer on the loose! You know exactly where I am, and I know exactly where you are." He defended, before looking around to see which of his friends would agree with him and have his back.

  His point was great, I mean if you were running away from a would-be-killer, then all she would have to do is send her location and hide. However, Liv didn't see it that way, instead she saw it as he was being a jealous boyfriend and needed to make sure she didn't do anything that disrespected their relationship.

  "Aw, you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend." Liv cooed as she looked at the boy, teasingly.

 "And you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend!" Camden retorted, causing the girl to laugh at him.

 There was still no chance of downloading and accepting the request however, Wes also made sure to point out the flaws in the plan, causing the group to tease him about how overprotective his mother is. 

 "Why'd you even hook up with the guy?" Alaska asked as Liv's summer fling popped up at their school, trying to win her back.

  Camden began to flex his muscles, as he stared at the guy.

  "Maybe I should introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw." Camden stated as he flexed his biceps, still grilling the man that stood in front of his car.

  "More like Kevin and The Rock." Alaska snickered, before getting her forearm pinched by her twin brother.

  Besides the Sheriff was there, it wouldn't be the best idea to start violence, it could get the questioned, or even worse, on the suspect list. Wes was a little quiet, just observing his friend group and wondering  how he got stuck with them. 

  "Mika's up, I think we should go see her." Wes informed the group after getting a text from her, considering that the school day and the group had nothing to do, they decided that they would go visit their friend.

  On their way to the hospital, Alaska would not stop teasing and bullying her twin about his biceps. Making him think that one was truly bigger than the other, hence the joke she made earlier. You're never going to get peace and quiet from them, but if you love them enough, you wouldn't mind it.

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