XIV. Follow The Horror Movie Rules

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   Chapter 14,
    Follow The Horror Movie Rules

  You would think that when people hear the news that there is a serial killer on the loose, they would stay home and keep themselves safe from any harm lurking in the crevices of the darkness but nope, not teenagers. They think that serial killer on the loose means they get to party and get shit-faced drunk, and it would be fun at first until you're bleeding out because you were too drunk to realize the murderer was right behind you the whole time. Summer's excuse to throw a party however, was to honor the death of her best friend, Wes Hicks, who died two days ago. If Mikaela were to hear this, she would have raised hell, knowing that her boyfriend would have preferred a simple funeral, not a party, because it only benefited them not the person who actually lost their life. 

  "Thanks for coming!" Summer smiled as she walked down the stairs, and entered the kitchen, were Camden had grabbed a shot and downed it, in honor of his best friend.

 Camden didn't want to feel the emotions he was feeling when he was told that his only best friend was murdered, he felt like he died on the inside. Wes meant a lot to the boy, as he was the one that truly understood him and didn't get bothered about his presence like his twin sister, and Summer. Liv however, was somewhere in the house while Mindy was staying sober, sticking to the horror movie rules that her uncle lived by.

 "Shots, really? This is supposed to be a memorial." Summer stated as she watched the muscular boy down another shot, trying to forget the sadness that was beginning to seep inside of him, before taking the shot glass away from him. 

 "Well have you ever fucking thought that maybe this is how I mourn Summer? My best friend just died, Our best friend died and you don't even care." Camden began as he looked at the girl, he was more than just upset about the murder of Wes but also angry that Summer showed little to no remorse for his death.

  "Dude, we're low on beer." Alaska interrupted as she walked into the kitchen, clearly breaking one of the rules, but she didn't care at the moment. It's a party, a drink couldn't hurt her.

  "There should be more in the basement, I'll go grab some more. I'll be right back." Summer sighed as she turned around and walked over to the basement, opening the door and walking down the steps.

  Once the lights were on, the scary basement became less scary and more boring. Summer opened the fridge and grabbed four bottles of beer, to bring back up to the party, but getting the scare of her life when Alaska stood behind the fridge door and shook her head disapprovingly.

"What the fuck, Alaska?!" Summer shrieked as she looked at her best friend, wondering why she felt the need to scary that bad.

  "That was a test, which you failed horribly. You're not supposed to fucking go off by yourself when there's a masked murderer around, you dumbass." Alaska was spewing insults at Summer, knowing that her best friend should have been much more alert.

  "You were the one who said we ran out of beer, and wanted more." Summer defended herself as she gripped onto the beer bottle.

  "But you should have asked me to come down here with you, next time you should be much more smart." Alaska retorted, but Summer began to chuckle a little bit as she smiled mischievously. 

 "You know what else you shouldn't do when there's a masked killer around? Follow someone into a dark, and creepy basement alone. How are you so sure that I'm not the killer?" Summer asked, as she smirked, but Alaska wasn't fazed.

  She bent down a little and her lips curled into a scary smirk, before opening her mouth to respond. 

  "That's because I am." Alaska voice was low and very dark, which scared Summer a little bit, unsure if she was telling the truth or not.

  After a bit of silence, Alaska burst out in laughter, feeling very amused with her little joke on the girl in front of her. 

 "I'm not actually, but let that be a lesson, you cannot trust anyone Summer. Even me." Alaska chuckled, Summer rolled her eyes, not finding it fun to be pranked.

  "Then how can I trust that you're not actually a killer?" Summer asked, causing Alaska to nod her head in approval.

  "Now let's head upstairs." Alaska spoke, watching as her best friend nodded her head before walking ahead but stopping when she got to the stairs.

 "You go first." Summer turned around, causing Alaska to smile, proud that her best friend was finally learning.

  You should always follow the horror movie rules, because that is what helps you survive when you're unknowingly in a horror movie. You might be the first to die or you might be the final girl, who knows?

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