XVI. Run? Run!

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  Chapter 16,
    Run? Run!

   As the night continued, Gale and Sidney were still nowhere near the house, and Alaska was shit-faced drunk on the couch, rewatching the first Stab movie. Currently she was on the scene where her uncle, Randy, was on the couch just like her, shit-faced drunk like her, and was about to get stabbed, just like her.

 "Come on man, turn around! Turn around, dude!" Alaska slurred as she stared at the TV screen, unaware of the presence of the ghostface, who was ready to reenact the scene.

  Taking another sip of her drink, Alaska furrowed her eyebrows before laughing at her uncle's unawareness of his surroundings. A part of the girl wished she was born at the same time he was, so she could help him survive, but she knew that would never happen. 

 "No, Randy, look behind you." She spoke again, everyone had there moments where they wished they could tell the person on the screen to turn around or run, or even tell them who was the murderer. 

  As the very drunk girl continued to speak to the TV, she suddenly stopped for a moment, taking her words into consideration, Alaska turned around right before she got stabbed. The girl didn't move fast enough before getting a knife into her shoulder, the pain was surreal, causing the girl to scream which caught Daphne's attention. Rushing to her aid, Daphne grabbed a lamp and sprinted to Alaska, throwing it straight at the killer, which broke directly on his head. The television was shattered, but that was not the point. 

  The killer rushed towards Daphne which caused her to grab another weapon, but last second, the killer rushed out of the room, confusing both girls. Daphne sprinted over to her best friend and who was very worried about the blood, believing that she was about to die. 

 "That's a lot of blood Daph." Alaska's face was contorted in pain, taking sharp breaths as she tried to not focus on the pain that was shooting throughout her body.

 "No, Alaska, stay with me." Daphne cooed as she applied pressure on the wound, however, it looked bad as if Daphne had done this.

 "Alaska! What the fuck did you do to her?" Summer shrieked as she rushed over to Alaska who was unconscious but not dead.

  Mika looked at her best friend in terror, she couldn't lose Alaska, that was her best friend since diapers. Summer wasn't trying to hear though, blaming Daphne.

  "Is she okay?" Mika asked, looking at her sister, but before any more words could come out, a beer bottle was dropped and shattered.

  Esther looked at the four girls, in horror, and then in disappointment as she had dropped her beer bottle, which she had been wanting since she's arrived.

 "What the fuck happened in here?" Esther asked as she raised her hands up, showing that she was harmless and defenseless.

  "Esther, where the hell were you?!" Daphne shouted, she was annoyed that once again her girlfriend was nowhere to be found when someone got hurt.

 "I went to the basement to get a beer, which I fucking dropped." Esther retorted as she gestured to the broken beer bottle, still upset that she dropped it. 

 Summer looked at the girl, confused before asking her why she went alone instead of asking, but Esther had already asked. Before anyone can yell at another person, Liv rushed into the room. 

 "I was with Mika, but the rest of you were wandering around. One of you is the fucking killer!" Summer said, Mika looked at the girl, for some reason it sounded as if Summer was creating a small alibi if anything were to happen to Alaska.

  "Fuck you Summer, fuck you!" Liv responded, as she glared at the girl, knowing damn well she was not the killer.

  "Why is there blood on your hands?" Daphne asked as her eyes wandered down to Liv's hands, who were in fact covered with blood.

  Suddenly everyone's attention was all on Liv and her bloodied up hands, although Liv knew she was innocent, it didn't mean everyone was  going to believe her. 

 "I found Chad." Liv blubbered as she looked at Daphne, praying that at least one person would believe her.

  Daphne's eyes widened as she realized not only one twin was attacked but both of them were, Mika didn't know how to react, she didn't want to think the worst of her best friends. Summer however didn't waste a second, accusing Liv of lying, Esther agreed with Summer as she stared at the girl.

  Liv began to spiral, trying to tell everyone she was innocent, to which Summer raised her hands and looked at her. 

  "Liv just stop!" Summer shouted, causing Liv to shake her head and turn her attention to the girl who was supposed to be her best friend.

  "Fuck you Summer, I am not the fucking killer!" Liv shrieked, Summer's facial expression changed from horrified to amused.

  "I know." Summer stated as she took out a gun from her waist band, and shot Liv's brains right out of her head.

  Daphne was in shock, as Summer turned to the older girl and pointed the gun right at her, welcoming her to act three. Mika thought quickly and moved the gun out of the way so that nobody got shot.

  "Run!" Esther screamed as she grabbed her girlfriend's hand and ran out of the room, leaving Mika behind to fend for herself. 

 Daphne grabbed a knife from the stove and rushed into the basement with Esther, Mika needed to get out of there before she ends up dying too. The death of her sister would be enough for Daphne to go on a killing spree, just like her father.


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