XIX. Killers Are Revealed

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  Chapter 19,
    Killers Are Revealed

  The impact from the landing knocked the wind right out of Sidney, when she fell, she let go of her gun which was now in front of the ghost face who was also struggling to breathe correctly, Esther tried her best to rush down the stairs, with her leg that had a bullet lodged in it.

  "Esther, the gun! get the gun!" Sidney breathed out, only for Esther to roll her eyes as she stumbled down the stairs.

  "It's kind of difficult after you shot me!" Esther retorted, as she tried to rush herself to get down the stairs quickly.

  The ghost face tried to slowly reach for the gun, Sidney knew if she had to wait for Esther to get down the stairs then she would die. So she forced herself up from the ground and tried to reach for the gun, luckily, Daphne got there in time and grabbed the gun right before the ghost face could grab it. Esther smiled thankful that her girlfriend grabbed the gun, and got down the stairs.

  "Thank God you're okay," Esther began as she smiled before taking her pocket knife out of her pocket and jamming it straight to Daphne's side, causing the girl to gasp not only in shock but in pain. Daphne's breath hitched as she looked at her girlfriend, tears blurring her vision as she got stabbed once more.

  "Because I really.. wanted to be the one to kill you." Esther finished as she watched her girlfriend look deeply into her eyes, before snatching the gun out of her hands. Sidney slowly got up but the gun was pointed at her, before she was yelled at to sit right back down.

  Daphne only stared at Esther, her tears slipped from her eyes as she felt the betrayal sink in, Daphne loved her. As the knife stood inside of Daphne, Esther twisted it, with zero remorse being shown. The older girl screamed, which scared Mikaela and Mika. Summer finally removed the ghost face mask and smiled happily, Esther handed the gun over to Summer who grabbed Sidney by her hair and placed the gun right on her scalp. 

  She couldn't believe, nor did she want to believe that her girlfriend was the murderer, but everything became clear as Esther reached into her pocket and held the back up inhaler in her hand. 

 "I honestly, can't believe that this worked." Esther laughed as she held onto the inhaler before tossing it over her shoulder, no words formed. Daphne couldn't think properly, her mind was swirling around as she tried to process that she was dating a murderer.

 "I know mi amor, it's such a bummer that your own novia turned out to be a murderer." Esther cooed as she pouted, teasing her girlfriend. Dewey was right, it was the love interest but Daphne was too blind to even think that her own girlfriend would hurt the way she did now. 

 "It was the best choice for the movie though, you understand, don't you princesa?" Esther asked as she turned on the voice changer and placed it to her lips, now she was just taunting her. It wasn't until now that Esther's eyes had no shimmer, she giggled like a psycho as she stred into Daphne's eyes.

  "This isn't a god damn movie Esther! It's reality and you're fucking with other people's lives!" Daphne shouted, she was angry that she let her guard down and opened her heart up for some girl.

  "No, but it will be. That's the point, isn't that right Summer?" Esther asked, as she looked over at the other girl.

  "Right, hon!" Summer replied as she smiled straight at Sidney, she couldn't wait until she was able to blow her head the fuck off.

 "Third act, blood bath, check! Killers revealed, check! Now it's time for the big finale!" Summer sounded derange, she wanted to be as famous and known as Sidney Prescott, they both did.

  Daphne knew that there was no sweet talking she could do to get her girlfriend to realize how wrong this, she could only say her name before the knife was ripped out of her, causing her to groan in pain. Soon they were taken to the kitchen, for the finale.

 Esther began to ramble about how the Stab franchise was dying and that they needed to bring it back to life. Daphne didn't want to hear the rest of it, Summer was getting so excited as Esther shoved her girlfriend into the kitchen. 

 "Hey, baby, would you like to go get the lovely ex-wife of Dewey's?" Esther asked as she looked at Summer, which broke Daphne's heart even more. Not only was Esther a murderer and a fucking psychopath, she had been cheating on her.

  Summer smiled and walked out of the kitchen, rushing to get Gale Weathers, Sidney took this as a sign to try and hit Esther but she got caught way too quickly. Now the attention is right back on Sidney, and Esther begins to express how much of a fan she was of Sidney.

  "Go fuck yourself." Sidney spat as she looked at the girl with disgust.

 Esther's smile dropped, she was now back to being annoyed and frustrated with both Sidney and Daphne's presence, then she began to go on a rant about how bad the recent Stab movie was and they needed to create another which should be better. Die hard fans are more than just scary, they were terrifying, and would go to unbelievable lengths to keep the fandom alive. Daphne tried to interrupt and get Esther to stop with this foolishness and finally see how wrong this is. 

  Summer must have struggled a lot getting Gale, as she took a while to come back into the house, shoving the girl into the stove, Summer shouted for her to sit down. The two psychopaths swapped the weapons, Summer walked in front of Sidney while Esther walked over to Daphne. 

  "You both did this so I could be the fucking hero in your fucked up franchise?" Daphne asked, as she looked at her girlfriend.

  "Oh Daphne, you are not the hero of the movie. You're the god damn villain, you're the daughter of Billy Loomis, who sees fucked up visions of her dead father. Sidney killed your father, Daphne. " Esther placed the gun underneath Daphne's jaw.

  Daphne looked over at Sidney and sighed, she knew that Sidney was the reason why her father was gone, but she didn't hate her for it. Billy deserved to die, because if he didn't then more people would have been harmed or even dead, so Daphne understood. 

  "You... did all of this just to get her right back here, at Woodsboro." Esther finished, feeling very satisfied about what was happening. 

  "You know what the biggest problem with the Stab movies is? There's no Michael Myers or even a Jason Voorhees. There's no bad guy to keep the franchise going." Summer began as she smiled at Sidney, happy to in the presence of someone who had, had fame for so long. 

  "But the illegitimate daughter of the original mastermind? Now that's a fucking villain, Sid." Summer looked over at Daphne.

 "That's a big word for you Summer, here I thought you were a fucking idiot." Daphne spat as she glared at the girl.

  Daphne was a little confused on they knew that Billy was there father, to which Summer admitted that her mother is a drunk and loves to run her fucking mouth all over this town. Then Summer began to explain how she met Esther, which only hurt Daphne even more. All the girl wanted to do was die, the pain that she felt in her heart hurt more than the stab wound that was aching.

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