Chapter 17 ~ Say Something

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It's Saturday now and I'm at the studio to help get everybody ready for the contest. It's an hour drive so we have to leave right on time or else we'll be late.

Everybody is wearing the outfits as planned: the little kids wear some cute dresses in pink and blue with fairy wings as an accessory, the kids between the ages of 10 and 13 wear a pair of training pants with white/pink striped tops. My team is divided in two: 4 of us are wearing black leggings, black tank tops and a beige dress, and the other half is wearing army-printed pants, with a beige army blouse and an oversized army jacket. We're doing our modern dance today on the song "Say Something" from A Great Big World and Christina Aguileira.

My phone buzzes and I see I have a new text message from Harry. As soon as I see his name on the screen I get a smile on my face and I walk away from everybody, because nobody needs to see this or else he'll get mobbed by everyone as soon as he gets here.

"I'm almost at your studio, can you wait for me outside? I don't feel like taking pictures and stuff right now..." Why is he being so distant? Ever since I asked him about his life he has been acting weird. I get it that he's not very excited about meeting fans right now since it's pretty early in the morning but he could have asked that in a different, more nice way.

I tell Theo my ride is here (he's the only one that know Harry is picking me up) and get my stuff. I take my bag, fill my bottle with some water and put in in the blue colored backpack. I also put my shoes in there and say goodbye to the rest of my team. "See you there!" Noelle says. Noelle is the person I'm the closest to out of all people in my team. She's really nice and a really good dancer.

I walk outside and wait for Harry to arrive.

I check the time on my phone and Harry really needs to arrive within 5 minutes or else everybody will be here to get to the contest so he won't go unnoticed by all the dancers.

Luckily I see a big, black car arriving as soon as I put my phone away. That should be Harry. But I'm surprised that the back door opens instead of the door in the front. Harry carefully comes out and signs me to come over and get in. "Hi," he whispers. "get in the car before someone sees us." I do what he says and sit down next to the window.

"Are you excited for today?" he asks. I nod, "Yeah I really am. I made the choreo we're dancing today together with Theo, and I thought of the outfits so yeah. I'm nervous too though. I mean, it's the first time we're performing a choreo that I partly made so I hope it'll all go well on stage." He nods, "Does your choreo have a story? I sometimes see people dance a little story when they do a modern dance." I get exited again, telling people about this dance makes me feel so proud of me and Theo. "Yeah there is a story behind it. It's about 4 couples, and the 'husbands' of those couples are being send to the army. The 'women' are left behind and at the end the 'men' die. It's actually a pretty sad story and we have to perform it very sensitive so people really get the story behind it."

When I look up I see him staring out the window, and it doesn't seem like he heard what I just said.

I really don't like this side of Harry.. I like the happy side of him, the caring one. Not the distant one, it feels like I'm just another fan he's talking to and I just started to feel like we were becoming friends or something.

"Nevermind..." I whisper and look outside. I don't want to have my good mood and energy ruined by this right now and I also don't want to talk about it with someone else in the car: the person who's driving.

We arrive after an hour of silence and I get out as soon as possible. I get inside to ask the staff of the theatre if there's a backdoor harry can go through without being noticed. They lead me the way and I try to remember the directions. When she shows the door I get back to the car and tell Harry to come along. We walk to the entrance in silence and he seem tense. I hope it's just because he's nervous about the walk from the car to the theatre, not because he's upset about anything. I really hope we can talk after the show, this has to stop.

The nice lady from the theatre leads us to a small room with a couch and a TV. "You can wait here until the show starts, if you want, you can also watch the show from this TV or you can come and sit in the audience of course." she says with a polite smile and leaves us there.

Harry sits down on the couch and takes his phone out of his pocket.

"Do you want to watch the show here or in the audience? I can fully understand it if you want to stay here and-" "Stop! Of course I will watch it here, I really am not waiting for hundreds of people to ask me for a photo and an autograph today." he says harshly.

I sigh and tell him I' m going to wait for the rest of my team so we can get ready. "Enjoy the show..." Is the last thing I say before closing the door. All the dancers will be entering soon so he has to stay here.

I wait for my team outside by the door, and as soon as they get here we enter the building and go to our dressing room. We do each others make up and do a little bit of warming up so we won't be getting any injuries during the dance. We practice the choreo and the difficult parts of it. I try to get my mind of Harry by being busy all the time. I'm a bit upset about the way he has been acting lately, I'm worried I did something wrong, even though I have no idea what I could have done.

After a few hours of waiting in the dressing room which were full of practicing and make-up there is finally someone from the organisation to pick us up. We all follow her and this is always the moment I get really nervous. Especially when we're waiting at the sides of the stage and you can see another team dance and I' m always like "Oh my god they're so good!" even though that isn't always the case.

Because I'm one of the smallest members of my team, I'm almost always dancing in the front. My positions sometimes change to the middle of the stage but I'm barely in the back. I'm also always the one who get's lifted at the end. One time I had to sit on Noelle's shoulder and the other time I had to stand on the thighs of two teammates, like a little pyramid, but standing.

"They're almost finished, as soon as they're walking of the stage you can take your places, the music will start as soon as you're all in the right place." The girl says.

The song from the other team stops and they start walking away. I walk up first and the rest follows. I sit down on the ground, look down and after a few seconds I hear the first notes of our song.

I start dancing with Harry in my mind. Theo told us we should think of something that makes us sad, so the emotion is clearly visible on our faces, and right now, Harry is something which is making me sad right now.

Before I know it the song is over and we walk backstage again. I breath out a sigh of relief. "That went REALLY good!!!!" Theo says. I can see he's proud.

It's really warm here and I think I need some fresh air. My cheeks are burning and it's not because I'm shy, but because of the hotness here. I look at the stage again, the team which is dancing now are the last one so after this one is the time to announce the winners of today. I don't expect a price but it would be very cool!

I look at the audience, trying to find some familiar faces, and there's one that immediately stands out: Harry is in the front row.


YAY :) Okay so because Fainting reached 3K(!!!!) reads yesterday I wanted to give you guys an extra long chapter :)

There is a little truth in this chapter becaaauuuusseeeee...... I have a dancing competition tomorrow myself!!! The music, dance and clothing Fay describes in this chapter are actually the dance I'm going to perform tomorrow and the clothing is the same too :)

I hope you liked it :) I'll update as soon as I can because I'm full of inspiration hahaha :D

Again a big THANK YOU for 3K, this means a lot to me :) XO

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