Chapter 7 ~ Wow What?!

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I hear voices saying: "But why not? She has only seen 1 and a half song and they mean so much to her! I know this happens a lot but can you pleas make an exception? They saved her live, so let her please see them! Even if it's for just a minute..."

I recognize that voice: it's Olivia's.

I'm awake, but can't open my eyes. I still feel very heavy, but it's less extreme than when...

Wait... What happened? Oh god! I can't remember what just happened! I feel a tear stream down my face and hear someone say: "She's awake!"

People are touching me on my arms and head. I can feel everything, but can't open my eyes.

I feel someone taking my hand and she whispers it's gonna be okay. It's Olivia. I want to let her know I understand her, but I don't know how.

I try to squeeze her hand, but I can't. I concentrate on my hand and try my very best.

Olivia's P.O.V.

"She just squeezed my hand!" I say to the nurse.

Fay just fainted during the concert. Sara got the security guards and they took her here. It's like a mini-hospital with a few rooms.

I just tried to convince one of the security guards to let Fay meet the boys. He didn't say anything but no but when I told him they saved her live and explained the whole story about her mum, he walked away.

"I... I... Where am I?" I hear her ask... Oh no, she doesn't remember.

"Babe, listen. You're at a mini-hospital in the concert arena. You fainted during the concert." I tell her while stroking her hair.

"Concert? What concert? Please don't say Justin Bieber?" I laugh a little. "No babe, it was a One Direction concert, remember?"

I hope she remembers now. What if she doesn't even remember me? Or what happened to her mum?

"Oh... Oh! I think I remember! We met two girls right? yeah... uhm... Sara? and Amber right? Yes! I remember!"

I'm so relieved! I sigh and hope she'll open her eyes soon.

Fay's P.O.V.

"Alright girl, can you open your eyes please?" a friendly nurse asks.

I try to open my eyes, but it feels like I don't know how to do that. I have the feeling I'm only closing them more than they were, if that was even possible.

One more try, I raise my eyebrows, hoping it will help.

I see a small line of bright light, and immediately close my eyes again. "Shall I turn off the light?" a nurse asks. "Yes please."

She turns off the lights and I try again. I open my eyes and see a few silhouettes, but I can't recognize them because of the darkness.

The nurse walks to the light switch and turns the lights on one by one so my eyes can get used to the light.

A man in his 40's walks in the room and stands beside my bed.

"So, what's you name?" he asks. "Fay..."

"And your age?" "17"

"Do you remember everything that happened?" "yes I do, until the moment I fell."

"Do you think you'll be able to stand up?" "I guess I can try."

The nurse takes my hand and helps me to sit straight up. I turn so my legs are dangling beside the bed. I get off the bed and try to balance. The nurse let's go of my hand and I stand on my own.


I sit down again, drink a glass of water and eat a cookie the doctor gave to me. I feel a lot better!

And then, a strange man walks in. He asks if he can talk to Olivia and she runs over to him, must be something exciting.

They're talking about something, but I can't hear it because they speak very softly. Liv looks at me a few times, to make sure I don't hear a thing.

When she walks back, she has a huge smile on her face, a suspicious smile. "What was that?" I ask. "Oh, nothing. He just told me to keep an eye on you."

I dicide to call my mum to tell her what happened and that I'm okay now.


When I hang up, the stange man comes in again, but he's not alone this time.

Behind him is walking another strange man and an unfamiliar woman.

But behind all those unfamiliar people, I see some familiar faces coming in.

I can't believe this.

This isn't happening right now.


It can't be true.

What if I faint again?

I'll screw my chance meeting them.


They're not real.

Keep fucking calm.

I can't.

Stop this.

It's annoying.

I'm annoying.

Why now?

Can't believe it.

"Hi love." He says.

Can't remember his name.


"H-hi" I stutter shyly.

"We heard you fainted at the second song so we thought we could make it up to you by saying hi." the other one says.


I hate myself.

I'm stupid.

"Yeah.. Well, thankyou for doing this guys! She's probably just in shock haha." Liv laughs.

"Haha we get that a lot." the third one says.

They talk for a little, while I'm still trying to realize what's happening here.

And then, one of the five boys, Harry, is walking over to me "Can I sit with you? I understand if you still want to have a moment to yourself and-" "It's fine." I say.

He sits down next to me and starts to ask what happened during the concert. I explain everything and I also tell him about my mum and what their music has done for me.

"Wow... Well, I'm glad we could do something for you by making music." He says, taking my hand.

I look him in the eyes for the first time and see the beautiful green color.

We stare in each others eyes and that's when Olivia thought "Let's ruin their moment."

"Hi guys, I see there's a connection." She jokes. "Ha ha Liv, not funny."

The guys introduce their selves one by one, which is pretty unnecessary, because I already know everything about them. They all give me a hug and I explain everything that happened. Again.

"I'm thirsty." I say, hoping someone is nice enough to hand me a bottle of water. "I'll get you some water." Harry smiles.

Oh how I love that smile.

He comes back with a bottle of water and I take a sip. He looks at me with some hope in his eyes, but I don't know why so I ignore it.

After an hour of more talking they have to go. We all hug each other and have a group hug too.

"Did you do this?" I ask Olivia. she nods with a big smile and I hug her very tightly.

"I love you."

Fainting ~ a Harry Styles fanfiction [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now