Chapter 6 ~ Black Stars

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Time to wait until One Direction will perform: 1.5 hours.

Olivia, Sara, Amber and I are still sitting on the ground, just like almost everybody.

"Can I have the sandwiches we made?" asks Liv. I hand her the bag full of food and she takes out the sandwiches. She asks me if I want one too, but I shake my head. I don't think I can eat something right now, I'm just too nervous.

Time to wait until One Direction will perform: 1 hour.

It's 7PM, which means that the opening act, 5 Seconds Of Summer, can start any second. The big screens already showed some videoclips and ads, but in the middle of a videoclip it shows something else: the rules.

Because of all the screaming I can't hear who is talking and what they are saying, but I try to understand the video. I don't succeed though, it's all a little bit overwhelming.

The video ends and the persons who were talking are finished too, so the 4 bandmembers can step on the stage any minute.

The lights turn down and a countdown starts: they're coming, right now.

And indeed, the 4 lads walk on stage, Ashton sits behind his drums and the 3 others take place on different spots on the stage.

They start playing one of their most popular songs: Don't Stop. A lot of people (inlcuding me) sing along and the other half of the crwod probably doesn't know the band so they don't know the lyrics either.

I notice two girls behind us, they're screaming, jumping and crying and are wearing 5SOS clothes. They probably came for the opening act instead of One Direction. Stupid. Then wait until 5 Seconds Of Summer announce their own tour and visit that one.

Time to wait until One Direction will perform: 10 minutes!

The opening act was awesome, so I'm curious what kind of performance is about to take place here.

We aren't really close to the stage, but I can see everything which surprises me because of my height.

The same video with the rules starts, and this time people aren't screaming that loud. I finally hear that the boys (Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry) are telling us how to behave and what (not) to do.

After that, the introduction follows: the boys are in different countries, mostly at popular spots which are typical for that country.

After more waiting (because hey, they're still "boys") all the lights turn down, even more than with the opening act. It isn't fully dark though, because the sun is still shining outside.

Everybody is freaking out and I have to admit, I'm one of them.

The band starts playing the beginning of Midnight Memories and the screaming only gets louder, it's crazy.

The boys come up and Harry starts singing:

Straight off the plane to a new hotel

Just touched down, you could never tell

Big house party with a crowded kitchen

People talk shhh but we don't listen.

I can't really hear it, but I know he's singing that and I hear a few words sometimes. People are getting crazy and start pushing forward, to come closer to the stage and the boys.

When I look around I see a few girls crying, sometimes with their dad beside them to soothe their daughters.

And then I look back to the stage, and realize they are standing there, 20 meters aways from me. The closest I'll ever be to them.

I get butterflies in my stomach and I feel really happy.

Tears are welling up and after a few seconds I feel the first one streaming down my face.

I couldn't be more happy than I am right now. I'm at a One Direction concert, with 5SOS as opening act, with my best friend and we're pretty close to the stage.

The first song ends and Liam is going to talk: "HI, GUYS!!! Thank you all for coming, this means a lot to all of us. Let's make this night the best one yet of the tour so far!"

Everybody screams again, letting him know we are going to try to make this the best night of the tour for them, but the best night of our lives for all the fans.

They start singing the second song: Little Black Dress.

little black dress just walked into the room

making heads turn can't stop looking at you

it's so right, it's so right, it's so right you know

little black dress did you come in alone?

its too late, its too late, its too late to go home

it's alright, it's alright, it's alright you know

i wanna see the way you move for me baby

i wanna see the way you move for me baby

i wanna see the way you move for me

I love this song, not because it makes me feel in a specific way, but just because you can sing alog very easy. It's nice to do that when you're angry because of something. 

Everybody is pushing even harder now, and we're all getting squished. It's getting really hot and I'm thirsty. The last time I drank was outside in the line, which is more than 2 hours ago.

It's getting hotter every second and I need some water!

And that's when Harry makes a lyric change. People are pushing even harder than I thought was possible and I'm getting dizzy.

Black stars are blockig my sight and I try to find Olivia without being able to see her. I grab her shirt when I find her and lean on her.

I feel miysef getting heavy and it feels like I'm extremely tired and I'm about to fall asleep.

The black stars are only getting more and darker with every second and I feel myself falling.

I'm Fainting.

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