Chapter 26 ~ What The Hell?!

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The drive to the restaurant isn't long, and when we get there Eric get's out and walks over to my side of the car to open the door. "Thank you," I smile at him.

I have no idea what happened in the last hour or so, but I feel a lot better than I did. I think it's the dress.

We walk through the doors of the restaurant and a waiter is standing there with a list in his hands. "What is the name you used for your reservation, sir?" the man asks friendly. "Smith, Eric Smith," Eric tells the man and he starts searching for the name on his list.

I look around a little while the waiter is searching for our table. I really like the look of this place. The walls are painted maroon red with some small gold details on it. The light is being provided by gold chandeliers and the tables and chairs have a dark brown color with seats in the same color as the walls are.

"I see, private table for 2?" the waiter asks again and Eric just nods. The waiter starts walking and me and Eric follow him. The waiter signs to a table in a corner of the restaurant and wishes us a nice evening. Eric walks over to a seat, pulls it back a little and signs me to sit down. I do as told and when I'm sitting he walks over to the other side of the table and sits down as well.

Another friendly woman approaches our table and asks us what we want to drink. "A water for me please," I smile politely. Eric orders a glass of water as well and the woman turns around and walks away. Eric turns to me and looks me in the eyes. I don't know what it is, but something about the way he looks makes me really uncomfortable.

Olivia's P.O.V.

It's 8pm now, and I couldn't get any food through my throat at dinner. I'm still at the boys' house and we're all still trying to figure out where in the world Fay can be, without letting her mum know she ran away.

The atmosphere in the house is really tense. As soon as someone says Fay's name, or something that makes any of us think of her more than we already did, the tension gets even stronger. It isn't fun here now, but we have to stay together to have a bigger chance at finder her faster. And don't get me wrong, I really like these boys and we became very close in the past weeks, but I'm gonna be so happy when I'll finally be able to go home again and have some time with myself.

I have been through my contact list and the list with my and Fay's Facebook friends, but I can't find any possible places where she can be. Irene is an option because Fay and her are friends, but she lives too far away. Then there's Casper, a boy from high school we were kind of friends with, but he would immediately let me or her mother know she's with him. But that didn't happen so she's not with him as well.

The last person I can think of is Demi, this girl she met on the internet and became really good friends with. They met a couple of times in the past year, and I would think she's there, but we asked her and she told her Fay wasn't with her and that she wants to help us find her. So she's on her way over here.

Demi and Fay have something special, and I hate to admit it as Fay's best friend, but I think I have to share her now with Demi. Demi and I haven't really talked, but now that she's coming over here to search for Fay, we will have to get along. At least we both want to find Fay and the last thing we want is for her to get hurt.

What if Demi might know where she is? What of she knows more about Fay than I do? I would be hurt, but that doesn't matter now, we have to find Fay. And I think I hurt her way more with what I have done, she didn't even do anything wrong.

I'm going crazy. I'm even getting angry at my best friend, who is missing, because she made another friend. What is wrong with me?!

I need a moment for myself and escape to "my" room in the house. When Harry asks me where I'm going I just ignore him like I didn't hear a thing, like he doesn't exist.

I lay down on the bed, facing the ceiling. A really boring, plain white ceiling. My mind is racing while I'm trying to focus on the boring ceiling, maybe it will empty my thoughts for a second.

I close my eyes and make fists with my hands, all my muscles are tense. I just can't get Fay's face out of my head, and how badly I want to hug her now.

But even if we find her, she will still be really mad at me, understandable, so I don't think I'll feel her arms around me for a while.

"Knock knock" I hear someone saying just outside my room. I open my eyes, but can't seem to relax my body. "Come in," I almost whisper.

Harry's head appears around the corner and I sigh. He's probably the last person I want to see right now.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?" I say sharply. Harry walks over to the bed and sits down, putting his big hand on my stomach.

"I just came here to check in on you, that's all," he says, head facing the ground. "I'm doing fine, just need a moment alone." I emphasize the last word, but he doesn't get the hint because he doesn't get up or something.

"You know," I start talking, "this is actually all your fault. You shouldn't have told her. If you wouldn't have told her, she would still be here, with us. Fuck you, Harry."

"I know I made a mistake, Olivia. But that mistake wasn't telling Fay the truth, it was kissing you, or you kissing me. I don't even remember exactly what happened and why, but we were both wrong. I couldn't keep lying to her, I just confessed everything to her, so I decided to tell her about us as well. That's all." He speaks loud, it almost scares me.

Liam rushes up the stairs to my room to get in between me and Harry, before one of us gets physical.

"Guys! I know things are hard right now, but let's not make things worse than they already are, okay?"

Fay's P.O.V.

The food in this restaurant is absolutely amazing! I ordered spaghetti bolognese and Eric had a steak.

"It's delicious! Thanks for taking me here tonight, I feel a lot better now." I say and he smiles.

"You know, I didn't just take you here because I wanted to eat something." He starts telling me and I get a little nervous. What is he going to say?

"Fay, I want you to know I'm still really sorry about the things I did before. If I could, I would turn back time and I would respect you. I wouldn't have done the things I have, and I would love you the way you deserve to be loved. And to hear that this Harry person hurt you just like I did, makes me feel really bad."

I don't like where this is going...

"Fay, I still love you. I never stopped loving you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life, and you're so special, I-"

"Eric! What the hell?!"

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, he tells me this.

Hii guys!

I'm really sorry for the long wait, but I hope it was worth it!
Let me know what you think :)


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