Chapter 13 ~ Group Hug

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Fay's P.O.V.

People slowly walk towards the exits of the stadium, but Liv and I are still sitting on our seats, staring at the stadium. I'm still re-experiencing the past few hours and it's just surreal what has happened. First the dinner and now the concert, just wow. 

The concert was by far the best thing. Of course, the dinner was super awesome and I still feel pretty honoured that they invited us, but the concert was something I have been looking forward to for the past 10 months and now I finally have been there, I've seen all the lights and heard all the songs, I feel better than I have ever felt before. 

I do think the happiness will be mixed with a kind of sadness though. I mean, like I said, I've been looking forward to this for almost a whole year. Imagining what the stage would look like, what songs they would be singing and how it would feel when I would finally see them stepping on stage. Now I know all that, so what is there to look forward to? I can hope they'll come back next year, but they won't announce that for the next 5 months or so. 

"Hey, you still alive or do I have to call Harry to give you mouth-to-mouth?" Liv jokes. I look up to find her already standing with her bags in her hands, ready to go. "Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about.... stuff." 

I get up and we both start to walk down the stairs to get to the exit. We don't walk very fast, but we don't need to rush things because almost everyone is already gone from the stadium. There are a maximum of 10 people besides us left here. Liv sits down on the last step of the stairs and motions me to sit down too. 

"What were you thinking about babe?" she asks, still looking at the stage. I look down, and think about what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. "Tell me," she demands in a friendly way. I sigh a little and start talking. 

"First of all, I had a great time, thank you for everything today, it has been amazing." I tell her. "But, you know... I've been looking forward for this for such a long time now, imagining everything, but now it's all over. And I still have the memory and the experience, I know, but still. You look forward to these 3 hours and after that, it's all gone." I sigh again.

Olivia puts her arm around me and pulls me closer, I bet we look like a couple now, but I don't care, we're the only ones here anyway.  All the girls and their dads are gone now, and I bet the boys are gone already too. Not that I expected something else, they're probably already traveling to their next stop. 

"Oh baby, nonthing's over! We have this amazing experience to share and remember forever and we still have Harry Styles' number to call when you want to and we've had this amazing dinner with they guys so there's a lot to be happy about. You know, you should write your experiences down somewhere, so you can read it back whenever you want." She tells me. 

I give her a hug and we stay like that for another couple of minutes. 

"Can we join?" 

I look up and see Harry and Niall standing in front of us. Liv smiles and tells them to join the hug. Harry hugs me from the side and Niall does the same to Liv, so now we're 4 people in a row, hugging each other. This must look weirder than it just did, it might look like we're two couples hugging each other. 

Not that I would mind anything like that, I mean that would be kind of cool right? So at least I still have something to imagine to myself, because I don't really see that becoming reality. 

That's okay though, I already dealt with that when I found out I wasn't the only one who wanted to marry Harry Styles. Duh. Millions of girls around the world want him, and I bet 89% of them are prettier than me, and if they aren't prettier, they're probably cuter or something. 

Back to this moment, because I have to enjoy this moment and not worry about other things at times like this. 

I feel a lot of arms around me, and it feels like there getting more arms every minute. 

I try to get up, but I get pushed down again by all the arms around me and half above me. I try to look around and see that Liam, Zayn and Louis joined us. I smile and get back into my "hole". It's a nice feeling, the feeling that you're protected by people, that people actually care about you. That's nice. 

I like that.

I feel the weight on me getting lighter and when everybody is standing again I can get up too.

"Thanks guys, that was cool. Not only the hug but also the dinner and giving us the opportunity to actually see you guys performing tonight. It was amazing." Liv says. I nod so I hope they will get it that I agree with her. I don't think they will but I can't help it. 

"No problem, we're glad you had a nice time and so did we." Liam says. "After we heard your story we immediately wanted to do something because you've been really strong and I've heard that our music kept you going and sometimes even made you smile so we wanted you to have a great time and not to only see one song and then faint." he adds. 

I feel a tear streaming down my cheek and I try to wipe it without letting them notice it's there. unfortunately, they do notice and Liam comes running towards me. 

"It's okay, we've heard it all and it really is a sad story, you just might not have noticed all the sad things because they would get 'usual' for you, but they aren't, so just let it out." he whispers. 

Fainting ~ a Harry Styles fanfiction [ON HOLD]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora