Chapter 25 ~ Dinner Date

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Eric comes home at 4, just like he said in his note.

"How was your day?" I ask, because I want to be nice and because I need someone to take my mind of everything. "Great, it was pretty busy at work, but we made some great deals today so that made it totally worth it. What did you do all day?" He asks, probably because he just wants to be nice as well.

"I got up pretty late, took a shower, ate the cereal you made for me and after that I found a book and read for a while. Then you came home."

I don't really like the book I was reading, but I forced myself to read it because it would be a distraction. It didn't really help, because my mind was way too busy thinking about yesterday, so I have no idea what the book is about.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight." He proposes. "Eric, I don't know if that's-" "Just as friends." He interrupts me, emphasizing the last word. I sigh, "Okay then, just as friends."

I have no idea when we became friends again, but since he is the only one I have right now I don't think I have a choice.

He tells me to sit on the couch again as he walks to the kitchen, coming back with tea. He hands me one of the cups and sits down next to me, just like yesterday. I don't like where this is going, but again, I don't really have a choice. Not if I want to stay here for a while.

"Can you please tell me why you are here again?" He asks. I sigh again, not wanting to tell him and not wanting to think about it even more than I am right now.

"I've told you. I met this guy a few weeks ago and we were really getting along-", he interrupts me again, not by saying anything, but just by shaking his head no.

"That's not what I asked. I asked why you came to me, out of all people. Why, Fay? Why me?"

I don't have to think for a long time to get the answer to his question, but I'm thinking about how I should tell him, without offending him.

"Well, long story short, I came here because you are the last place on earth where people will look for me. And that is not a bad thing, it's actually a good thing because I don't really want to be found. Mom thinks I'm staying over at Olivia's house for a couple of days, and the rest of my "friends", they are probably searching for me. And with that I mean Olivia, Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn. They are hopefully still the only people who know what happened yesterday, assuming Harry told the rest of the boys when he got home."

It surprises me that I'm not even crying right now, but that doesn't mean I'm over it or something. I ran out of tears, that's all.

I look up to find Eric looking at me, a little worried but not as much as yesterday. Even though I'm not crying, he sees my sadness and pulls me closer to hug me tightly.

"I see that as a compliment Fay, so thank you," he whispers.

Olivia's P.O.V.

Fay's mom has been texting me a few times, asking me where she is. I keep lying, because I don't want her to be worried, it wouldn't be any good for her health.

I stayed over at the boys' house last night and I probably will stay here until we find Fay. Everybody is worried, but me, Harry and Liam are more stressed than the others. Liam and Fay became really close in the past few weeks, Harry admitted he really likes her and I am her best friend.

Harry and I haven't really talked to each other in the past 24 hours. It's a really awkward and painful situation we're in, since it's our fault Fay ran away yesterday.

"I think we should just tell her mom, chances are big that she might know where Fay is." Zayn suggests.

"NO ZAYN!!!" I yell, "She had a heart attack a while ago and she survived cancer. How on earth will she survive it when she knows her daughter ran away?!"

"I'm sorry! Didn't know that..." He says softly, looking down. I put a hand on his shoulders, "It's okay, sorry for my reaction."

The last day has been very stressful and I haven't slept last night so that doesn't make things any better.

"Olivia, I think you might need some rest. Try to take a nap for a few hours. There's a guest bedroom upstairs," Louis suggests and it sounds really nice, but I can't risk missing things, so I shake my head. "We'll let you know immediately when we know more, okay?"

I give in, knowing I need the sleep. I get up from the chair I was sitting in and walk upstairs to find an empty bedroom at the end of the hallway. The bed is made and I lay on top of it, feeling myself drifting away within seconds.

Fay's P.O.V.

"We can't go to a fancy restaurant though, because I don't have any fancy clothes." I yell at Eric from the bottom of the stairs. He said he was going to get ready for dinner, but if he's all dressed up I'll look like some kind of hobo next to him with my oversized sweater and jeans.

I hear his footsteps coming down and step backwards. When I finally see him he has something red in his hands, a dress.

"I hope this is still your size," he says, handing me the dress. I stretch my arm to take a good look at it. It's beautiful, sleeveless with some beads on the neckline, and a flowy skirt.

I look up to see Eric smiling at me, "I hope you like it," he says. I nod, "I love it!". "Go change upstairs, I'll see you in a bit."

I enter the bathroom and find a number of make up and hair products. I squeal in excitement and start getting ready. I put on some make up, brush my hair and put on the dress.

I walk downstairs and find Eric waiting at the bottom. His eyes start to shine as soon as he sees me. "You look beautiful, love."

I give him a hug as soon as I get down, "Thank you so much for doing this," I let go of him and start looking for the heels I was wearing yesterday. "Are you looking for these?" he says with a playful smile, holding the pair of shoes.

I put them on and get up again. "Okay, now I'm ready." I say with a smile on my face.

He takes my hand and leads me out the door to his car. He opens the door to the passenger seat and sits down on the drivers seat after that.

"Let's go." He says, starting the motor and driving away.

I have no idea where he is going, I just hope there won't be anyone who knows me.

I just want to stay away a little longer.


YAY! Another update :) I know nothing really happened in this chapter, but wait for it! I promise things will start to happen soon!

Hope you liked it!


Fainting ~ a Harry Styles fanfiction [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora