Chapter 18 ~ And The Winner Is......

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We all walk backstage again and the first thing we get are our bottles of water. I still can't believe Harry actually went to sit in the audience to see us perform. I don't know if he's been there the whole show or just to see my team. I'm happy he was there anyway, a little part of me already hoped he would do that so I think I would've been slightly disappointed if he didn't. No, I know I would have been dissapointed and not just a little bit. 

We all wait a few more minutes before the girl from the organization gets in the room to tell us we have to follow her again. We do as told and sit down in a little circle as soon as we reach the stage again. All the dancers are on stage now and the host of the show starts speaking. "We have had a lot of really good dancers today, so I think the judges had a hard time choosing the winners ."
It would be really special for me when we win a prize, even when we end up 3rd, that would still be amazing! We have won some prizes before, but we never ended up winning a contest by ending in the 1st place. There are always so much good teams, the chances to actually win something are very small.

The host has continued to introduce all the judges (there are 5 of them) and explaining when which category gets their prizes. Of course they start with the youngest category, category A, and we are in C, so we'll have to wait a little.

After half an hour they finally get to our category. The younger teams of our school haven't won anything sadly, but there's still hope for our team. We all have a really good feeling about the performance and we really hope that the audience got the story we tried to tell. We stand up because the host asks us to and I search for Harry, but I can't find him, he's not where I saw him during our performance, so I guess we went back to his little room and decided to watch the ceremony on his TV.
They start announcing the winners and this is the moment I'm really getting nervous. Everybody in my team is holding hands and I feel Noelle squeezing my hand tightly. I look at her and see she's nervous too. I give her a little smile, trying not to look as nervous as I actually am, but fail miserably. I see Noelle laughing at me and my failed attempt on a "normal" face.The host starts announcing the winners and the only thing I'm focussing on is hearing the name of our team: Funk-O-Logy.

"And the team that ends on the third place is...... Dare 2B Different!!! Congratulations!"
I look to my right to see a few people jumping and screaming. They walk to the girl who is standing on the corner of the stage beside a table which was full with cups. It's almost empty since we are in the last category. She hands over their cup to the girls and they walk back to where they were sitting. It's a small cup but I would be happy with it, it's better than nothing.

"The name I'm going to say next is from the team who ended up in the second place." Noelle squeezes my hand even tighter and I do the same, getting a glare from Kim, who is sitting on my other side. 

"And the team who win the second place is..... The Rebels!!!" Another team starts jumping an screaming. They have a terrible name but I have to admit their dance was pretty cool and they had a really good performance. They get their cups and sit down again when they get back to their place.
The tension is getting higher now and everybody is squeezing each others hands, and Kim is still not happy with it. I laugh a little and look down, our shoes are getting really interesting now, and I think that when I let go of Noelle's and Kim's hands, mine would be shaking. 

"And now it's time to announce the winners of category C." The host opens an envelope, just like they do at talent shows on TV. "And the winners are.... The ladies from Funk-O-Logy!!!! Congratulations girls, you gave us a really emotional performance, thank you for that!" 

Oh my god!!! We won! I can't believe it! We are all screaming and hugging each other. When we're done we walk to the girl and she hands me our cup. It's pretty big and heavier than I thought it would be. We get together in the center of the stage and smile for the photographer who makes photos of every winning team. We walk back to our spot and I hand over the cup to Noelle, so she can look at it. I look to the side of the stage, where all the trainers of the teams are standing and I immediately see Theo's face. He looks so happy and proud!

The host ends the show by thanking all the people from the organisation and the people backstage who take care of the lightning and music during all the dances and performances. After that, everybody get's up and starts walking towards the dressing rooms to change into normal clothes and get their stuff, so that they can leave. I walk towards Theo and He hugs me as soon as I'm close enough. "I'm so proud of you Fay. So so proud." he whispers in my ear. I smile and get out of our embrace to thank him for helping me. "I couldn't have done it without you, so thank you." I say. He smiles and turns around to walk to our dressing room. I follow him and so does the rest of our team. I end up walking besides Kim and take my oppurtunity to apologize. "I'm sorry for squeezing your hands earlier. I was just sooo nervous." I laugh. "Haha, it's okay, I totally get it." she replies with a big smile. "Thank you for this amazing choreo, it's really beautiful." "No problem, I did my best." I smile back. 

We did it. We won the first place with the choreography I made. I still can't believe it and I'm really proud of my team. This is what I love to do and it's amazing to be awarded for it. I really hope to make a lot more choreo's in the future, but I still need to learn a lot. 

But for now, I'm just happy and proud.

What would Harry think of it.


Would he be proud too? He probably doesn't know how big of a deal this is to me. 

He probably doesn't even care. 

Maybe he fell asleep during the ceremony because it took a "long" time to finally get to our category. 

Maybe he left. 

What if he actually left?

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