Chapter 2 ~ Heart Attack

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Another day of working is here. You may think its depressing or something, and sometimes it really is, but not today.

The only thing I can do is smile. I woke up with a smile, showered with a smile, eat my breakfast with a smile, now I'm going to work with a smile, and the smile probably stays for awhile.

Why I am smiling? Because I have got tickets to the One Direction concert in two months.

It's April now, so the concert is in June. the 24th to be exactly.

The sun is shining during my walk to work, where I will be able to fangirl again, but this time together with my best friend, Olivia.

And indeed, when I arrive at the theatre, she is already waiting for me, as always. I run to her and jump in her arms.

When she let's go of me, we just stand there, waiting for something to happen. And there it is, at exactly the same moment we both start jumping and squealing.

After a while we decide to go to the staff room and get in our uniforms, before we get fired. You know, our boss has warned us for a few times, and every time he says if he has to warn us one more time, we'll be fired.

So we start working, it's not a busy day, the only scheduled movie today is.... This Is Us! yaayyy! I guess we'll be seeing sad and happy faces today. Sad because they didn't get tickets, and happy because they did.


After selling tickets to all those teenage girls (which I am too but that doesn't matter), Liv and I decide to go to the mall, for some shopping.

We both want a plain shirt so we can decorate it on our own. Why? For the concert ofcourse! You dumbass! No just kidding, love you


We both bought our shirts and went back home. No work tomorrow, because it's Sunday, the only day in the week I don't have to work.

Olivia and I will meet here, at my house, tomorrow to decorate our shirts. I have no idea what we are gonna draw. Maybe something with glitters, I love glitters!


It's Sunday, and Liv and I just decorated our shirts (with glitters!). We're drinking tea now, with my mum. We are having fun, just talking about random stuff and laughing about nothing.

But suddenly, my mums eyes are wide open and her hands are on her chest, right on the place of her heart. Liv starts panicking and I'm too shocked to do anything.

I tell Liv to talk to my mum, to make sure she stays conscious, while I call the ambulance.

After a short phone call I rush back to my mum. She is laying on the couch, with Olivia next to her on her knees. "Is she awake?" I ask, my voice trembling. "Yes, but she can black out any moment." she whispers, not trusting her voice right now.

Olivia's P.O.V.

"yes, but she can black out any moment." I whisper, not trusting my voice right now. I'm about to burst out in tears, but I can't.

I want to be strong for Fay, because otherwise she'll black out too. I have to be the big sister in cases like this.

After 5 long minutes we finally hear the sirens of the ambulance coming closer, finally! Rachel (Fay's mom) passed out once, but we managed to wake her up, sort of.

Fay run to the door to open it, and the paramedics come rushing in with a box in their hand.

I stand up to walk over to Fay, to hold her tight.

And here we stand, in a corner of the living room, holding each other very tight, watching the paramedics do their jobs.

I feel Fay shaking, and I hear her crying. I have to be strong and instead of crying too, I hug her even tighter.

15 minutes later, one of the paramedics stands up and comes closer. "Hi, I'm Jack. This is your mum, right?" I nod "Well... she just had a heart attack, it's over now but we have to take her to the hospital to do some scans and blood tests. You can come too if you want to?" he explains it with a calming voice. I nod again and he walks outside, to get the stretcher.

I get Fay and mine jackets and her mums car keys (I have my license) and we walk outside, following the paramedics with Rachel.

We get in the car and follow the ambulance towards the hospital.


Once we got here the paramedics and doctors rushed Rachel to a room, but we couldn't come with her.

So here we are, sitting in uncomfortable chairs, in a white waiting room, without anything for distraction, waiting for someone to come and tell us how Rachel is.

Fay fell asleep on my shoulder a while ago. She needs some rest, or she will faint. I know her family is sensitive for fainting, especially in situations like this.

I really hope Rachel will be okay, I don't want her to be in life danger again, we have already gone through a lot.

I sigh one more time, laying my head on Fay's head. I stare at the boring white/greyish walls and I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.


Fay's P.O.V.

"Girls! Hey girls! Wake up." I feel a hand shaking my shoulders slightly. "Girls wake up, I have some news for you." the voice whispers again.

And that's the moment when I realize where I am and why: my mum had a heart attack and me and Olivia are in the hospital.

I open my eyes and flicker a few times, to let them get used to the bright lights.

Olivia sits up and so do I. "Sorry, we fell asleep. What do you want to tell us?" Olivia asks, with a morning voice.

"It's about your mum..."


hey guysss!!! hope you liked the chapter!

I honestly almost cried while writing this :'( it so sad!

what do you want the doctor to say? is it good or bad news?

let me know!!!!!!

p.s. sorry for the extreme long wait!

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