Chapter 24 ~ Ex-boyfriend To The Rescue

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Eric takes a step to his left and opens the door a little more, signing me to come in. He closes the door and leads me to his living room. I still know the way, he hasn't changed a bit and so does his house. I sit on the couch which holds a lot of memories.

Let me explain: Eric is my ex-boyfriend. We met in high school, and dated for two years. He was my first kiss and my first love. But I was really shy at the time, and everything was new for me. We dated for two years when one night he suddenly wanted to do more than just kissing. I told him no, and he didn't accept that. I ran away and haven't spoken to him since that night.

But that was 2 years ago, I hope he got over it and is willing to help me now.

And yes, I am aware of the risk I'm taking here. I just hope he grew up to a mature man, not the wild teenager he once was.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asks me. I nod, and he walks to his kitchen.

He returns in a few minutes with two cups of tea. "You must be cold, here, drink this." He says, handing me the cup with hot water and he sits down next to me.

"So, can you explain why you came here, in the middle of the night, to me?" He asks, not pushing anything, but just curious.

"Well.. It's kind of a long story, but I guess I have to explain it to you." I sigh, not really wanting to tell him but otherwise he won't let me be here.

"So, long story short, I met this guy, and we were really getting along and I started to really like him, but then he did something stupid a week ago. A mutual friend set up a date for us tonight, so he could explain himself. I forgave him and we had a really nice time, until he told me he kissed my best friend. I ran away and now I'm here."

I look down, trying to hold back the tears this time. I don't want to break down in front of Eric, I need to show him I'm strong.

As usual, I fail miserably and a tear streams down my face, again. Eric seems to notice as he puts his cup on the table on front of us and takes mine too. He puts his arms around me and starts brushing my hair, comforting me.

It doesn't feel as weird as I expected it to be. I mean, he has been my boyfriend for a pretty long time (2 years is long when you're in high school), and it's not like he hasn't seen me crying in those years.

"It's okay Fay. I'm really sorry. Guys shouldn't treat you the way I did and he does right now. You deserve better than a bunch of assholes like us. I'm sorry." he whispers.

He loosens his grip on me but doesn't let go of me. Instead he places his hands on my shoulders and turns my body so I'm facing him.

"I'm really sorry for what I did. I was an asshole and I hope you can forgive me. I promise I won't do anything like that ever again. Promise." He tells me, and I close my eyes for a second, causing another tear to stream down. "It's okay." I say really soft, I hope he heard me. My voice is barely there because of all the crying today.

He hugs me again, letting me know he heard me and I can't stop it anymore as I burst out in tears again.

I cry until I fall asleep in Eric's arms.

Liam's P.O.V.

It's the morning after Harry told Fay he kissed Olivia and Fay ran away. She hasn't answered any calls from me, Olivia, Harry, Niall or Louis. Olivia refuses to call Fay's mom because she thinks Fay told her she's sleeping over at her house because she doesn't want to explain everything to her mum and she wants to 'dissapear' for a few days.

So now we are trying to figure out where she is, without letting her mom know she's gone. And that's harder than you think. Her mum is the person she's closest to, except for Olivia but she has no clue where on earth Fay can be.

Fay's P.O.V.

I wake up on a couch I can't remember. I look around and then reality hits me, hard. Harry, Olivia, Eric. I'm laying on a couch in Eric's house, and he probably put a blanket over me when I fell asleep last night. I look at the time and see it's already 11 A.M. I get up and sit on the couch, looking around and trying to hear something.

I see a bright pink thing on the table and take it.

"I'm working, should be home at 4, trying to come home earlier if possible. There's food in the fridge, and clothes in the bathroom, make yourself at home. X" it says.

I get up and decide to take a shower. I enter the bathroom and see a pile of clothes on top of the laundry basket. I get undressed, I was still wearing the dress from last night, and get in the shower. The hot water calms my body and I totally relax, forgetting about everything that happened and where I am.

When I get out I dry myself and get the sweater and jeans Eric put there for me. The sweater is probably his, since it's pretty big, but the jeans aren't. It's mine. He saved my jeans all this time. I can't help but laugh at the idea while I brush my hair.

I get to the kitchen to search for food. It doesn't take long to find it since he gave me a clue in his note. The fridge. I open it and find a bowl of cereal, my favorite.

I take a spoon from the drawer and sit down at his table, but I can't get the milk and cereal in my mouth. I'm not hungry at all and it's probably because my head is still at that lake last night. Where one second we were enjoying the view of the moon, and the other second I was running away from it all.



Hii :)

I'm sorry for a pretty boring chapter but I really wanted to update for you :)

What do you think of Eric?


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