Chapter 4 ~ a lot of timejumps

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Fay's P.O.V.

It's may 30 now, and the last 2 months were... hectic. But that's just a word.

So many things happened, and they weren't really nice things...

1. We heared my mom is sick again. She has been in the hospital ever since that heart attack she had, at home. Yes, she had more of them in the last few weeks.

I had to move in with Olivia, again. Not that I don't like living there because her parents are amazing people and she's like my sister. But I live there as soon as my mom's in the hospital, that's the stupid part.

2. I almost killed myself. Because of the hard situation and the fear that is constantly there, I started hurting myself. And just before I could do anything that could have gone terribly wrong, Olivia came in and rushed over to me, to stop me from doing what I was planning to do.

3. One Direction knows how to plan things. They just released their new single and clip: You&I. I watched it over and over, thinking how related it is to me right now.

I love that song so much! Just like Story Of My Life, they're my two favorites.

4. The One Direction concert is in 2 weeks!!! I serieously can't wait to see my lifesavers live, in front of me! Liv is also very excited, and she likes to make sure everybody knows. It's kind of fun seeing  her jump around the house. Last week, she started jumping, shouting and singing through the whole house at 3AM. It was fun to see, eventhough she woke me up.

So that was all the news from the past few weeks.

Oh, I forgot to mention that my boss gave me a period of a vacation kind of thing, because of my mum. Olivia also got a few weeks off. We do a lot of fun stuff, like going to the beach, just for distraction.

We visit my mum almost everyday, take care of her and I always cry when we have to leave again.

You probably don't know how it is to see your mum like that. And if you do, I'm sorry...

*Time jump to.... 23rd of June at 9:00PM*

I can't sleep. And my worries for mum aren't even the main reason. The reason is..... THE CONCERT IS TOMORROW!!!!

And I'm hyper. Again.

Everytime I think about tomorrow, a big smile spreads across my face and I get nervous. And it happens a lot, like every 5 seconds.

After another hour of tosslinng and turning I finally feel myself drifting into unconsciousness.


The sunbeams showing through my curtains wake me up. I look at my clock. It shows the numbers 0600, in other words, it's 6AM.

Why do I have to wake up this early? I stay in bed, to be able to fully wake up.

I close my eyes, but don't fall asleep. I just think about.... stuff.

I remember my dream, better say nightmare.

I'm soo excited!! I'm in line to get into the stadium, and there are only 5 people in front of me. They run inside and I take a step forward, handing my ticket to a man who stands there to control them.

Eventhough I bought my ticket on an official website, I'm still afraid they won't let me in. I wait for a few seconds, while the man scans my ticket. He smiles and gives me my ticket "Have fun."  is what he said while handing me my ticket.

I run towards the entrance of the field, where I'll be standing, watching my 5 favorite boys in the world.

Some unknown band get's on stage to warm the crowd and I bet the boys are getting ready backstage.

The band plays songs I never heared before, but the also play some covers, so I sing along with these. 

After the unknown band plays 10 songs, they leave the stage, leaving us waiting for the ones we came here for.

Finally! They start playing a little movie to let everybody know the concert is about to begin.

"Straight of the plane to a new hoteeell" Harry starts.

Everybody starts screaming and the people on the field, just like I am, start pushing forward, to get as close to the boys as possible.

I get a little headache, but I don't pay attention to it because I'm paying attention to something else: One Direction.

But the pushing is getting to be too much and hard for my little, tiny body.

I get crushed between the girls standing in front of me and the girls who are pushing me from the back.

I can't get enough breath and start to panick. But no matter how loud I scream "STOP!", the girls won't stop pushing, like they don't even know me.

I'm hyperventilating right now, and little black dresses, uh stars, are blocking my sight.

My eyelids become heavy and my body feels like a feather.

I close my eyes without being able to stop it and I feel myself falling.

I'm Fainting.

I remember waking up with sweat and I was shaking.

I have to admit I am pretty scared that this dream might turn into reality, but all I can do is hoping it won't.

I get happy again, realising today is the day! I am going to see One Direction live!!!

I have too much energy to say in bed so I get out and walk to Liv's room. I open the door as quiet as I can and sneek in.


I can feel she not happy with my way of waking her up at 6:45AM, but hey, I'm just excited as hell haha.

Yay me :)

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