Chapter Twenty-Five : Crushing Weight of Walls

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After the Buck fiasco, the soldiers quickly rushed everyone off to their sleeping quarters, assuring to us that everything was under control. I didn't believe that and neither did Thomas, but what were we going to do? The guards wouldn't let us see her and we were all tired. The only thing that made us all feel better was remembering that if anyone could take care of themselves, it was Buck. Big, strong, scary, Buck.

Teresa, I didn't know much about her, but I had confidence that she wasn't in danger. Unlike Buck, who had five guards on her ass, Teresa was just followed by a singular doctor. I remember the mentioning of a gynaecologist, whatever that was. I thought the word was familiar to me, like it was the name of a doctor that specialized in something, but I couldn't remember what. I guess it was a girl thing. And for the sake of my sanity, I chose to believe that they were both going through whatever girl things they needed to do.

"Alright, this is you guys." The man told us as he used his key card to open up the big metal door in front of us.

"Do we get one of those? You know, considering we're sleeping here and all?" I asked but the man looked at me emotionless.

"No." He said flatly and I looked at him with severe judgment.

"C'mon love, no use arguing, and if I don't get some sleep soon I'm going to loose my bloody mind." Newt said when he put his hand on my shoulder, pushing me forward into the room.

The moment we entered the room, the first thing I was able to register was three rows of bunk beds. I looked at them nervously while the others looked at it like a gift sent from god. We never had beds like these, only hammocks that we'd hang on the trees. There were pillows and soft blankets and nothing was made of wood, metal only. I stopped in the doorway, staring at the beds with a wide eyed expression.

"Ooh I got top bunk!" Fry said quickly with a smile but Minho would never let that slide.

The Runner took a leap off of the side of the bed, throwing himself gracefully onto the top bunk. He stared down at a glaring Fry with a smirk across his asshole face.

"Too slow." He commented with a big breath.

Newt stood beside Thomas while Winston left Charlie's side to lay himself down on the bottom bunk of one of the beds. They all looked so relieved by everything being thrown at them by these people, the people we didn't know. The only person who looked the least bit trustful was Thomas, but did he really count? Thomas doesn't seem to trust anything or anyone. Just like Buck.

The same Buck who's still missing might I add.

"I could get used to this." Winston commented with a wide smile, tapping Charlie's shoulder but the boy was too busy looking around the room with a blank expression.

"Yeah, not bad." Newt commented.

Suddenly, the loud sound of a slamming door snapped me out of my daze, forcing my attention behind me. The clicking of the door locking echoed through the room and I couldn't stop myself from running up, slamming the palm of my hand against the door. I screamed for them to open the door but no one came because no one cared.

"HEY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, punching the door, the panic washing away the pain in my knuckles. "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!"

"Desmond baby!" I heard Newt say as he gripped on to my shoulders, forcing me away from the door. "Stop, your gonna hurt yourself."

"They have to open the door!" I said in a panic, my heart racing and sweat beginning to pool over my body. "They've got to open the door!"

"Whoa, what's happening?" Minho asked from atop the bunk bed.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now