Chapter Eleven: Panic

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I slowly opened my eyes, the kind where slowly watch the brightness flood into your surroundings.

I flung my arm over to my bed side table, reaching for my phone. On my phone was a letter, clearly from Hange.

Dear Levi,
GET OUT OF BED YOU LAZY BUMMMMM!!!! On the kitchen counter is your gun and the address to where I think Eren is!!!! Be careful my sly corporal and save your Eren!!!!!

I signed and got out of bed, did my usual routine, finally its been forever. Grabbed my gun the address and left.

When I closed my door it finally hit me what I had in my hands, I dashed to my car flinging my body into my car.

Jabbing the key into the ignition and franticly typing the address into my GPS.

I half hazzardly drive down the road running through a red light, speeding down the road. I ran out of adrenaline after realizing I'd be worse if I got pulled over right now, I casually cruised down the roads. Turning here and there, not a clue where I was.

But if it's a possibility that Eren is at the end of this sad GPS line, I'll keep driving. I have to know.

I turned down a gravel road, all trees in sight. They hovered over the car and the shadows danced on the hood, a cool breeze blew through the car windows and a haunting whistle escaped the woods—I drove on.

For Eren, for me.

I pulled up to a huge gate surrounding an abandoned warehouse.

The sound of my car door opening ecoed through the woods, the sound of it closing was greater.

You could hear every step I took on the gravel in my black dress shoes.

I slowly made my way to the huge gates reaching for the broken chain. I took the chain off, pulling the two hugs gates apart making my way inside.

I stood there staring at the buldings, which one is he in.

I heard a scream, Eren.

I guess my question has been answered, I darted toward the screams.

Running, running.

Sea Green and Coffee Beans (Riren/Ereri)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя