Chapter Twenty-Seven: These Two, I Swear

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Sunlight peered though the blinds onto Eren's soft tan skin, He woke up from the morning light overheating his body.

Standing up, he stretched his long limbs and let out a whine.

Eren thought, "It was nice of Levi to let me sleep in his bed. It sure does smell nice, smells like a man, a manly man."

Eren laughed at his own use of the term manly man and tip toed around Levi's apartment to the bathroom.

"This Levi guy sure does have a nice place, it's so clean." Eren said to himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror of the bathroom and ran his hands along his head and thought back to the picture Levi showed them.

"I looked so...innocent, like a child. I wonder what happened back then, I can only imagine..." Eren blushed and though about sleeping in Levi's bed.

And thought about Levi.

He could feel himself getting hard as he imagined just how good Levi probably looked under his clothes.

"No!" Eren flustered and frustrated hit his head against the bathroom door.

"I need to get back home, I need to see my Mom and Dad and Mikasa, they are probably worried sick about me. Instead of blushing over some shortie I don't know in a unknown apartment." He practically yelled.

Eren tensed at the sound of a knock on the bathroom door, a deep sleep filled voice was heard though the door, "Are you going to spend all damn morning in there, I have to piss......and don't call me shortie." Levi spoke.

"Uhhhh, hold up." Eren turned on the sink water for a couple seconds to make it sound like he was finishing up and opened up the bathroom door.

Eren's breath hitched in his chest and he stumbled backwards. Levi stood right in front of the bathroom door in just his black and red plaid boxers.

Eren started to point at Levi then quickly pulled his arms across his chest to cover his own bare top. The tan boys cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree and burned bright red, he practically dropped onto the floor.

"I can see you're not an innocent little cat anymore, now please get out of my way." Levi huffed out stepping towards Eren who was standing hopelessly in the bathroom doorway.

He quickly ran out of the bathroom and into Levi's room.

Levi jumped in the shower and day dreamed of how he was going to tell Eren of the crazy events that had previously unfolded. Levi was scared, scared to lose Eren. Levi had fallen in love with the beautiful green eyed man and couldn't bring himself to say it too him. He just wanted Eren to remember it all. He wanted to throw himself at Eren and kiss him all over, he wanted a chance to be with him, before he disappeared to where ever he originally came from. But he would do no such thing, he would be cold, he didn't know how else to deal with his feelings--he would try to push Eren away.

He hoped Eren would save him from his own demise, this time Levi would need Eren.

The two met up in the kitchen at noon after pulling themselves together to finally discusses the previous events, Levi told Even everything except the coffee shop incident, he felt that was best kept in the past.

Eren sat, he was astounded and at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, he reached across the table to touch Levi's hand but Levi quickly yanked his hand away.

Eren was taken aback at Levi's actions.

Levi looked away from Eren, "I don't want to to feel obligated to love me or stick around because of past events, those events no longer shape who you are as you have forgotten them. Do as you please."

The pale skinned man stood up from the table, grabbed his car keys and left, he quickly walked to his car--almost ran and drove himself to his place of work. He read his business papers all day to avoid his feelings, to avoid crying. He refused to cry.

Levi finally pulled himself out of his work once the store was pitch black, he dragged his feet across the floor to the door, his body felt heavy like his heart. He drove slowly home and unlocked the door to his apartment.

Levi didn't want to open the door, turning the knob felt like the hardest task of his life, his arm felt weighted down by a dozen bricks, he stood there for what felt like an eternity, till he finally looked up at the entire door.

Higher up the door, above Levi's eye-level, line of sight was a pink sticky note.

His short arm reached up and ripped the pink letter off the door,

"Levi, I am going back to my parents house to meet up with them, it's been a while ya know. Anyway see you around if you want, text me at 000-000-000. :) "

Levi's whole body now felt heavier than a ton of bricks and he flopped down to the floor, he pulled his small hands up to his face and wept, his hands were covered in tears when he hear the door behind him open, the door to Hange's apartment.

He quickly desperately wiped the tears away and stood up and looked at her in the eyes, the light of the hallway burned his red eyes.

"Hey buddy, you okay? I'm just gonna be real with you, you looked like shit and I've never seen you cry like a little baby, so come in, and tell momma Hange what's wrong."

Hange placed her hand on Levi's back and pushed him inside her apartment.

He told her about what happened and she yelled and carried on all night how Levi must ride after Eren the so called prince of his dreams.

But Levi no longer felt worthy, he sank deeper and deeper into Hange's couch and filled his mind with terrible thoughts till he drifted to sleep.

Hange sat across from Levi on her reclining chair and watched the rise and fall of Levi's chest. She felt awful, if someone couldn't see the pain in his eyes you could surely feel it radiating off him. She ran her hands though his jet black hair and pulled out her phone.

She texted Eren, of course.

Eren had long been at home had enjoyed the happiest dinner of his life with his Mom and Dad who he felt he had missed terribly and Mikasa who told her own version of the crazy events from the past two years. They had all decided to watch a nice movie after dinner and by this time the movie was nearing its end.

Eren's mom and dad had gone to bed an hour into the movie and Mikasa had fallen asleep on his shoulder 20 minutes ago.

The end credits for the movie rolled by when Eren received a text message from an unknown number.

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