Chapter 6: Worries

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Ring Ring Ring Ring

"What? Who the fuck is fucking calling you at four in the fucking morning?"

I reached over and looked at Eren's caller ID only to see that it was a private number.

I frowned.

Eren was still fast asleep, how did he sleep through that? I picked up the phone.

A deep gristly voice started talking as soon as I accepted the call.

"Eren meet me at Café Rose in two hours."

I heard a beeping sound signaling the call had been ended.

The voice had been from before, Grisha.

So I decided to go myself.

I left a note for Eren telling him I would be back soon and was going to go to get some coffee.

Closing the door behind me as quietly as I could five minutes before the clock on the wall read six-o-clock.

Café Rose wasn't two far away so I decided to enjoy the cool morning air and walk there.

I arrived around six-ten and ordered a small black coffee. I sat down in a secluded booth in the back. I could see anyone who came in because of where I was placed.

Two minutes later in walked a man around his forties maybe fifties. We made immediate eye contact.

"Shit" I swore under my breath.

The man who I assumed to be Grisha walked straight towards me, not stopping for a drink.

"So much for being casual. What do you want with Eren, Grisha?"

He seemed taken a back a bit. Probably cause all I've been doing is glaring at him.

He cleared his throat making an obnoxious and disgusting noise.

Grisha sat down across from me.

"Frankly Levi, what I want with Eren has nothing to do with you. I made Eren, I own Eren."

I sighed, really tired of this guy.

"Eren is my cat, I even gave him a collar, so if you would back off that would be really cool."

This guy is a little harder to read then I though he would be. He had a slender face and large ears, medium-long brown hair that fell onto his back and off his face. And small circular glasses that made his small eyes intense.

"Excuse me but I am going to take Eren back you understand me."

I watched as Grisha got up from his seat and left the coffee shop.

I stood up and left as well, no point in sticking around.

"Eren! I'm home!"

"Hey Levi! Did you sleep well last night?"

Eren, came running at me from the back, launching himself on me and surrounding me in a hug.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding, I had been worried about Eren.

"Yeah, I slept well."

I petted his hair and ears as he hugged me and his cute purring started up again.

"And how did you sleep, Eren?"

"Way better than I usually do, that's for sure."

"That's good." I said as I leaned into him.

Sea Green and Coffee Beans (Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now