Chapter 5: Bath Time

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I shuffled off my shoes as I walked into my apartment, it had been a long day at work, like always. My head was pounding.

I called for Eren and he came running from the bedroom and looked at me with a warm smile on his face. I smiled but my that soon disappeared.

"You're dirty Eren, how can I give you your presents when you're covered in dirt?"

"Wah? We can take a shower later, you're supposed to help me shower, that's what Grisha did, just let me see my gifts!"

"Okay we can shower and then I'll give you your second gift, here, this is the first one."

I pulled out a bag of cat nip, Hange had given it to me and told me to give it to Eren.

A soft meow slipped from Eren's lips.

Eren almost immediately jumped to the bag of catnip and proceeded to rip open the bag and rub around in.

It was a slightly uncomfortable sight to see. I wasn't really sure what to think of it, or what I was supposed to think of it.


"Eren, come here."

The Neko ran over to me, I rubbed the soft brown hair behind his ears, massaged down his neck, onto his back.

His side was pressed against my leg and I could feel soft subtle vibrations coming from it.

"Hah. Are you purring Bright Eyes?"

Eren's head jerked up at me, staring into my eyes.

I filed my voice with lust, speaking in a teasing manner.

"Eren, your eyes are like a sun set after a fun filled day when the weather is almost to warm but the soft gentle breeze from the ocean makes it perfect and you look over at the water the sun setting in its own magnificent way, and the last seagulls for the night call out to sleep and your left standing there content looking at the water and the sun reflects its color off the cold crashing waves as the soft sea foam mixes with the rocks and the the sun reflects its last rays on the water as the day turns to night, that is the color of your eyes, Eren."

The brat just looked up at me, he just looked at me with his mouth gaping open.

"Better shut your trap before a fly goes into it brat."

He closed his mouth.

Slowly he tilted his head to the side in a confused look, brat. Tch,

"Why do you do that Levi?"

"Do what brat."

"That. You say something really nice then say something rude afterwards like its nothing, like you didn't just say a beautiful poem to me."

"Tch, I'm going to bed."

The brat grabbed my wrist and held me in the chair, I was in standing up and towering over me. Like he damn doesn't already.

"Move you damn brat!"

"No, you said we were going to take a shower and then you're going to give me my second gift."


I had forgotten about that.

I had been looking forward to it all day.

I breathed out a "fine" and the brat seemed pleased with himself.

Give the dammed kid an actual bath,

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