Chapter Thirteen: Devious Erwin

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E-Eren, he just kept yelling Erwin, Erwin, Erwin.

I thought my ears were going to explode before he stopped yelling.

I frantically drove home while screaming into the phone to Hanji to get her ass to the house.

I could barely hear the blaring horn of the car as it crashed into me and Eren.

Sending my small older car flying against a telephone pole.


Eren! Erennn! Please come back to me bright eyes. I know it took me a while to save you but I did. Pretty please come back. I thrashed around in my sleep.

I opened my eyes, I was in a bright white hospital room.

I immediately got up tearing the tubs off and away from me.

I stumbled to the end of the bed to grab my paper work, all I had was some broken ribs.

I stumbled down the hall, a nurse saw me and came running.

I was crying, I don't know when I started crying but she asked me what was wrong as she held me up. I told her I wanted to see my boyfriend, something must of made her feel bad for me because she took me to him.

But then I realized why.

He was in a coma.

I tripped my way over to him and fell onto his bed, I was crying even more now, drop drop, my tears fell onto his arm.

I love you Eren.

I brushed the hair off his face and kissed his forehead.

I passed out.

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