Chapter Twenty-Two: Getting Sh*t Started

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Levi's POV

"Petra, what are you doing here...if this is about Erwin, then we could of met up, I don't want Eren in this shit."

She starred, her small lips slightly open, gears turning in her head.

"This is about many things Levi. Yes the main reason I'm here is Erwin, but mainly to help with the mission, to help with you. Hange doesn't want you to start drinking all time again."

I am furious, why would Hange do this to me, I'm going to get this done now. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

"Petra, if I needed your help I would of called you. I have Eren as my (finger quotes) "emotional support", now get out of my apartment."

"Levi, he's a cat--it's weird!" she cried out in an attempt to stay.

"He's not a cat he is human, someone in a lab just added partial cat DNA to his! Now get out Petra!"

"But I love you, Levi." she choked out, now crying.

I took a deep breath, I hated making Petra cry, we used to be good friends but her love became obsessive and I couldn't take it. I can't help but be mean.

"Petra, I care for you--in a friend way, never anything more. Now I need you to leave my house."

I slamed the door behind her.

I'm ready.

"Hey Eren, come here."

He looked at me with that cute confused smile, he ran to me and hugged me. I hate hugs, his are the only I like. I hugged back, I could feel how happy that made him and he gripped tighter.

"I can barely breath, Sunshine."

Eren pulled back, a huge bright smile on his face.

"You look goofy." I said and laughed without thought.

"Levi! You laughed, that was so cuteee."

My hand flew up to my mouth and I quit smiling, I let my guard down around Eren without a second though--I couldn't help it.

I sat down, looked at the floor.

"I have some business to do. I'm going to leave later tonight and I might not be back for a day or two. I'm not sure how long it's going to take me, but I don't anticipate longer than three days."

I looked up at him, he looked sad.

Oh no, I have to cheer him up, I can't cause someone to cry again today, why is he such a baby?

"um....don't worry....I will be back bug."

That made me want to barf.

He was doing that goofy smile again.

"Good!" Eren cheered.

A Couple Hours Later

I woke up from my nap, I couldn't be more ready.

Everything felt surreal, My feet hit the ground and I felt needles of excitement run though my body.

My hands touched the wooden closet doors, I quickly pushed them open.

I pulled out my suit and my white button up, bent down to grab my dress shoes.

I parted the clothes in two to reveal my secret compartment, I felt the electricity run through my body to the tips of my fingers as I open my hideaway to reveal my guns.

"Beautiful...." I whispered to myself.

They were the only two handguns of their kind--made just for me. I traced my fingers over their cold metal, anticipation boiled my blood.

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