Chapter Twenty-Six: Levi needs a break

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Levi POV

I stood in front of the elevator with Eren groggily sitting on the floor to my left. Straight ahead of me stood Ymir smiling slyly in front of a wall made entirely of glass. The day had come to it's end and the room was only lit by the city lights outside and the small lights on the machine Mikasa was hocked up to. The air was tense, I could hear Eren's deep breaths--filled with anticipation. We all remained silent, Ymir patiently waited for an answer to her question.

"Do you, Levi want me to give Eren this shot."  

Ymir refused to tell me why Eren was dying--just that it was because she had changed him into a neko. She also said there would be a consequence for giving him the shot.

I looked down at Eren, I didn't have the chance to spend much quality time with him and yet I love him. I got on my knees, ran my pale soft hands through his chocolate brown hair, around his pretty cat ears.

I whispered gently into his ear, "What do you want, Eren."

I backed up, holding his face with both my hands, I kissed his lips.

I stood up, tears fell from my emotionless face, "Give him the shot, Ymir."


Ymir led us down a hallway and into a room that looked like it was from an asylum. The walls were white and there was a bed with restraints and a small desk and chair, everything was white except the brown straps.

I pulled Eren in closer to my chest in defense, "What are the straps for?" I asked.

"Just for his safety and ours, just set him on the bed."

I softly bent my knees and gently shuffled his big body onto the white sheets. I sadly smiled, holding one of his hands, my other hand on his cheek.

Ymir strapped his feet then legs down, I ignored the sound of the tightening straps.

I kissed his forehead then held onto his hand, I felt him wince from pain as Ymir put the needle into the crock of Eren's arm.

"I love you, baby." I whispered out, barely audible.

Ymir grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room and closed the door before I even registered she was touching my arm.

"Why do you pull me out?" I looked at her brows furrowed--angry and confused.

Ymir looked at me with her lips pulled into a small grin, she brushed her hand through her brown hair.

"Why don't you look."

I swiftly turned around and stood on my tippy toes to look through the small window on the door. Eren's room had filled up with smoke and visability was so low I couldn't see Eren anymore.

I don't know what going on, I just wanted my Eren back.

I put my feet flat onto the ground and placed a hand on the door. My bony fingers wrapped around the door knob and I turned it.

"You did the right thing, Levi. Don't forget that, you saved Eren."

Hot smoke hit my body as I opened the door and I stumbled back. I slowly walked over to Eren. I felt like my body was walking against the current of a fast paced river. I still couldn't see.

I heard a cough.

"Where am I?" I heard Eren say.

I could see him now, he was sitting up on the bed. His restraints looked like they had burned away. I reached out for him but I stopped half way. I reached up at his head, shocked and brushed my hands through his soft hair, "No cat ears." I said. 

"Um, who are you?" Eren asked as he took my hand off his head.

My heart beat fast and deep in my chest, he didn't have cat ears anymore...he didn't remember me.

"I, I'm.........Levi, my name is Levi."

I had a choice to tell him about us or to have a second chance at doing things right.

I could tell him about everything that's happened and risk scaring him away and remind him of bad things that happened to him. Or I could ask him on a date and do things right and still risk losing him.

I looked up at Ymir, her tall skinny body was leaning against the door frame. Her eyes were closed and her long eyelashes sat over her freckles.

"He might remember, he might not. You should tell him what he wants to know, Levi. You can go home, take him. I'm making things right, I'm sorry." Her voiced seemed strained, her faced showed signs of pain. Her joking demeanor was now gone.

Eren spoke, "Are you going to do the test on me, Ymir? When do I get paid for this?"

I turned around and looked at him, he must have just forget everything since she turned him into a neko.

"I'll transfer the money to you tonight.......we already did the experiment Eren. We did it two years ago, you've forgotten everything since. Levi has been taking care of you for some time now and will continue to do so, he will tell you what he knows. Now please leave, please." She turned and left.

Eren looked shocked and scared, he opened his mouth but nothing fell out. He was frozen with shock and couldn't move. He slowly closed him mouth and looked at me, he looked at me searching for answers with his big green eyes. It saddened me to see such pain and fear In his eyes, they were meant to be happy and open, now they were half closed, weighted down by the unknown. 

"Let's go back to my apartment, I'll tell you everything there, okay?" I put my hand on his.

Eren quickly pulled his hand back, "I don't know you, why should I go with you?".

I could see the fear and worry building up in him. I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of me and him on my couch.

Hnage had taken the picture after a long night of us all watching movies. I was sitting up on the sofa sleeping with my head turned to the side and Eren was laying on the couch. He head was in my lap, one of my hands in his hair and the other under Erens cheek. Both of us had a small smile on our lips.

Eren looked up as his hands flew to his head.

"I had cat ears, the experiment worked?!" His eyes were bright and excited.

" did, you look just as cute without them though. We should go before she comes back."


Eren and Levi left The Fritz Company and called a Taxi, Levi explained that a friend had dropped them off. He showed Eren the apartment like it was his first time stepping foot into their home. Levi's heart broke as he watched Eren walk through like he'd never been here before.

Eren sat down on the couch and put his hands in his lap.

"This place feels like home."

He turned around and looked at Levi who was still standing at the door.

"Did I love you, before I forget everything? What were we Levi?"

My breath hitched in my throat, my eyes looked over him. He is so beautiful, soft dark brown hair framing his face, bright curious, sea green eyes over his simple nose.

"You did, but those memories are gone now. We weren't anything official, but we were close Eren."

 Eren liked the way his name sounded on Levi's lips, his deep voice said his name perfectly.

Levi walked over to Eren and sat next to him on the couch, Levi suddenly felt uncomfortable, his tongue felt foreign in his own mouth.

"I lov--I want you to sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

Eren started to protest but Eren got the feeling this man was stubborn so he crawled into Levi's bed and fell asleep fast as the smell of sandalwood and pine filled his nose.  

Levi laid on the couch awake with his arms folded behind his head till the Sun rose--filling to room with cold morning light. 


Sea Green and Coffee Beans (Riren/Ereri)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن