Chapter Nineteen: Fresh Start

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It had been five long months since I dropped Eren off at Hange's apartment.

She was angry with me, I had put Eren in danger and hadn't completely stepped up my game in fear of losing control--Erwin has that affect on me.

Since then I had moved, I left the city and was living in a cruddy cabin I couldn't seem to keep clean, I cleaned all day everyday and yet there was always dust or dirt.

I waited.

Waited for an update from Hange.


Day after day, week after week, month after month.

I waited, all for him.


I open my cabin door and peered outside, the crisp evening air bit at my nose and the wind tousled my hair.


I clicked my tongue in my mouth and closed the door.

Sitting at my desk, drinking coffee a bit too warm and writing in my journal I heard a knock at the door, the first sound of another human in months.

I sprinted too the door tripping over my small feet to see Erwin at the door.

I started up at him, his muscles rippled under his long sleeved white shirt. I tripped backwards rushing towards my desk where I kept my gun. I felt a huge hand thrust into my silky black hair pulling me back and throwing me across the room against the wall.

I couldn't breathe, the air was knocked right out of my lungs and onto the floor.

I crawled across the floor in a desperate attempt to be freed from him.

He made me weak, so weak.

He kicked at my sides.

Over and over again but I kept crawling too the desk.

I was bruised and broken, kicked again and again I pulled myself up the small wooden chair to my wooden desk.

I starred at desk for what seemed like an eternity, basking at the light brown wood, black veins swam through the wood.

Erwin spoke, "Levi, I have been a very bad man. I have abused you, I have violated you in so many wrong ways, I'll probably go to hell....or wherever bad people go. But I'm not going to, my happy ass is going to stay here on Earth and I'm going to do just what I did to you so many years ago, and then you're going to give me Eren. This is simply your punishment, you knew this was going to happen, I just love the taste of your cold lips."

I heard his feet stomp against the floor as he approached me, I heard his pants zipper go down, I felt his presence behind me.

As his big sweaty hand landed on my shoulder I grabbed my gun, and I turned around so fast I translated it as a slow-mo action film.

I shot Erwin, I shot him dead. I turned around and shot him without a second a thought.

My ears rung as the gun shot vibrated over the cabin and out into the woods, bird flew away and squirrels ran.

It was, dead silent.

It wasn't until I dropped the gun a few minutes later that I realized warm salty tears were streaming down my flush cheeks.

Frantically wiping them away I called Hange, I called her but she didn't pick up.

I packed my suitcase and rushed out the door, flying though the fall leaves, oranges, reds and yellows flew up around my body. It felt like a sick Halloween movie, and me as the murderer.

I Levi, the strong, cold man that I had become, was all a front, a front used to keep me from remembering all that Erwin had done to me.

I called Hange again as I ran down the road, no destination in mind, she asked me what was wrong and I told her simply I had just killed Erwin.

"I'll be right there" she spit out, her voice had a new air of control to it, her stern words scared me.

I stopped and tried to regain my emotions, maybe I was going to get to see Eren.

I missed the way his fuzzy hair brushed against my skin, how soft his ears were, how bright and loving his eyes were.

Most of all I missed his heart, I missed the way he looked at me--full of love.

Sea Green and Coffee Beans (Riren/Ereri)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt