Chapter Eighteen: Mr. Meanie

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Previously: Even and Levi are cornered in an alleyway by two black cars.

I gripped Eren's big hand tightly in mine, I looked around for a possible escape feeling fear like I hadn't felt in a very long time course through my bones, my hair standing on end.

The cars turned off and I pushed Eren's tall body behind me, I waited in anticipation.

I stepped foreword seeing the only way out of this alleyway was up or through the cars.

Sweat glistened on my temples and jet black hair as I sweat under pressure, the drivers stayed in the cars but two men got out of the passenger sides.

This is okay, I can take down two guys at once, I thought to myself.

The first guy lunged at me and I jumped back, making a move simultaneously kicking my first attacker in the face. As he stumbled back the other guy punched at me and I ducked, sliding my leg underneath him and causing him to fall.

The two drivers now got out of their cars crouching behind the doors of their cars and shooting at me, miraculously none of the bullets hit me or Eren.

The first guy now running at me again going in for a punch, faked the first one, coming around for a second expecting me to kick again but instead I blocked his punch. He stumbled and I punched him with all my might.

I turned around and ran to the metal ladder hanging off a metal emergency staircase, pushing Eren to climb up then swinging myself up with him I ran up the stairs holding onto his hand dragging him along with me.

We got to a window and I pulled it open (why do people leave their windows unlocked?) and I crawled in avoiding the gun shots now flying through the air.

Eren screeched put in pain as I pulled him through the window, a bullet had hit the back of his calf.

He looked at me begging with his big sparkly eyes but they couldn't affect me right now, I pulled him to his feet and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and quickly walked through the random apartment quickly hurrying to the elevator in the hallway and down to the main lobby.

People looked at us questioningly, but no one dared ask what was happening, it was the city after all. Deep dark secrets dwell within a city so old and dark, usually it was best to not get involved in affairs that didn't pertain to you.

We hurried down the sidewalk to our destination, my work and I took Eren to the back.

"Why are we here Levi, I need a doctor, this hurts, it hurts so bad."

I didn't make eye contact with him, I couldn't look him in the face, I grabbed my gun and my first aid kit. I stood there with the gun in my hand. It's metal so cold in my grasp, flashbacks emerged of me with Erwin. I squeezed my eyes closed as if to block out the bad memories. It subsided them and that's all the mattered.

"I thought you didn't like guns Levi? Eren asked."

"I don't, kind of."

"Then why do you have one Mr. Meanie."

"I just do, now I'm going to have to take the bullet out, I'm sorry. "

He was scared, anyone could read him, his big eyes expanded and tears formed in the ducts of his eyes, he clenched the fabric on the bench his was sitting on and his shoulders trembled.

I stepped foreword and he flung his body on me and weeped, I stabbed the needle in his shoulder and his arms around me became limp.

"I'm sorry."

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