Chapter Three: Coffee Shops and Books

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A couple months passed with the same routine, I'd bring Eren to work with me and he'd put the books away and talk with customers. They loved him, his bright eyes and charming personality brought the store to life and embellished the already warm atmosphere of the room.

Today was different though, I sat at the counter and watched Eren put the books away, I gazed at him and felt a soft smile slip across my lips. His long thin arms flexed as he reached to the top shelf, the warm inviting lights dancing across his tan skin, his head quickly looked over at me—taking my breath away. It was like slow motion, the way his brown tousled hair swung as his head turned, his eyes came to life as we made eye contact and he flashed his white teeth.

I think I'm falling for him.

I wanted to get closer to him, to learn who he was. I had an irking feeling there was a lot more too him then he showed but I couldn't pry anything from him. When I asked of his past he frowned and shut down. Before we left I sat down on the couch with Eren and it went better than I thought it would.

"Alright brat, your going to get some weird look with those ears and tail you have, you know Nekos are rare. Don't let it get to you. Don't draw to much attention. Ignore everyone unless they know me. Don't get in the way of customers. I'm going to be working so don't bother me. You can sit in the back if need be. You understand? Are you listening to me?"

He giggled and I cringed, his laugh was so happy.

"Levi, if your the one talking care of me then you're my master. Our masters are supposed to give up collars before going out in public so people know I belong to to someone."

He realized when he had just said and his cheeks blushed red, he looked away from me and said never mind under his breath and stood up.

"Lets go." He said as a sad smile spread across his face.

"Well how about this time you hold on to my arm or some shit while we walk, wash your hands through I hate dirt. And I'll look into getting you a collar."

I smiled inside at the thought of walking with Eren down the street, his arm wrapped around mine, why am I thinking like this. He sees me as a parent type, I take care of him, I don't....

His smile spread to his eyes and all signs of sadness washed away, he was happy I was going to get him a collar.

"Okay! Are we going now Levi? Pleaseeeeee."

"Yes were going now, put your jacket on, it's cold out."

A few days passed and we stuck to our routine.

We walked up to the doors of the coffee shop, I brushed the fallen autumn leaves on the ground away and stepped outside. It was still cold and the air smelled of dusty books.

Eren was still attached to me, he had snaked out arms together and leaned close to me and a little behind my back as if hiding.

I took his arm off me and did what I did every morning, turned the heat on and started up the coffee, turned on the lamps, taking some money out of the safe and placing it in the register. I looked up to see Eren siting beside me on a wooden stool, watching my every move.

"Hey brat take a picture it'll last longer."

He was so taken aback by my comment he fell off the stool and looked up and me, his cheeks burning red, he looked almost a little angry.

"S-S-Sorry Levi your just, you move so, you, you're attractive."

Before I could say anything he ran into the bathroom.

I turned around to Petra walking through the front doors, the bell chiming.

"Levi! I'm glad your here Eld just texted me and said he's not coming in today, I guess he's got the flu.

I cringed at the thought of sickness.

I continued on the whole day waiting for Eren to come out of the bathroom, people complained to me and I just gave them cold looks and said try again later.

It was late now, 8: 00 and everyone had left, I finished wiping down the tables and walked over to the bathroom door.

"Eren, you've been in that bathroom all day please come out."

"No I can't look you in the face."

"Eren please I really want to go home and get the fuck to sleep."

"Go to bed then, leave me here I'll be fine."

"Come on Bright Eyes I really need you to come out I can't leave you here."


The door slowly opened, his eyes were red from crying and his hair was a mess.

I walked around and closed the place up and went to the back room to meet up with Eren and leave but right when I walked through the door the brat was on my back. Hugging me. Hugging my back.

"Dammit Eren we need to go home what are you doing?"

I felt him rest his head on my shoulder and bit the tip of my ear. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. He whispered in a voice that almost had me on my knees.

"You seem pretty stressed after today I think I can help with that, if you would just let me, I could make all that stress go away."

I was frozen, this wasn't like the Eren I had spent these past few months with, there was something different in his voice, it was husky.

His ran his hands up the inside of my shirt and up to one of my nipples tracing the skin around it.

I quickly stepped foreword and turned around and looked at him.

He slowly walked up to me, his eyes looked glazed over. He pushed me against the wall and I had flashbacks to Erwin doing the same, I pushed him away.

This time more forcefully he held me against the wall, one hand on my shoulder and the other once above me, and deepened the kiss, towering over me, I tired to my back but I couldn't resist, I couldn't move.

He sunk to the ground, undoing the button on my pants and pulling down my boxers and took me in his mouth, it felt good, but I knew there was something wrong. He wrapped one hand at the base and pushed his mouth back and forth to his hand, licking along the side, he brought his tongue to the top and I felt my knees going weak. He teased me running his hands along the inside of my thigh and along my back. He finally finished me and pulled my clothes on and I sunk down to my knees.

We both sat there on the floor, I felt violated, I didn't stop it but I couldn't, I was scared of being on the bottom, I pushed him away from me standing up, with each step I took I had flash backs to me and Erwin, him hurting me, me pleading to be left alone.

I both quietly gathered our things, I stopped at the glass doors of the coffee shop and turned around.

Eren was sitting with his knees tucked underneath him with his hands resting on his thighs, he was looking down. He looked up at me, his eyes no longer glazed over, but this time filled with tears.

"I'm, I'm sorry Levi, I didn't mean to I really didn't I just, he made me do it, he did."

Eren violently shook his head back and forth, tears flooding from his eyes.

He jumped and a bolt of electricity flowed through him and he passed out. I ran over to him slapping his cheek trying to wake him up but he remained asleep, I carried him home.

Sea Green and Coffee Beans (Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now