Chapter Twenty-Four: Learning to Love One Another

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We sat in an awkward silence after I yelled I would help take down The Fritz Company, I knew when Grisha said it, it was more of a joke. He wasn't serious like me, I was ready to risk everything to save the Eren, and the human race.

I slammed my hands on the table surprising everyone in the room, "Are you just going to sit there and stare at me like a bunch of fools?!"

They stood there like fools, mouths open. All I did was get out of my's not that big of a deal.

"Levi, it would be much easier to just hand Eren over. He's damaged, he's been torched and forced to do things he didn't want to--just hand him over. He's going to be a lot of work, just get a pet cat." Grisha says as he stood up, slowly walking towards me.

"Eren is the key, I need him, Levi."

"Tch, I don't like him because he's part cat, I love him because he is Eren and you can't have him."

"And how do you suppose we even start to try to take them down." Grisha said, now towering over me."

"We'll figure it out, Hange will help."

I have to get out of here, I'm out numbered, the other guys were unskilled but all of these people look like trained fighters. Except that Armin kid.

I stepped back, they were all walking towards me.

I shouldn't run, but I'm going too.

"Call me." I said as I turned around and walked out of the room then sprinted to the car and drove away.

I felt like someone had beat me up, I ached everywhere. I dragged my feet down the hall towards the apartment. Melancholy washed over me like a great wave as I touched the door knob.

I tried to turn it, I couldn't, I was too weak. I am drained, I leaned against the door and slid down.

Is this what people have been feeling all this time?

I've been cold all these years. All I've known is pain, my mother dying, my uncle dying, my friends dying, Erwin hurting me and no one helping.

I feel love now, but it's so mixed with pain. The pain only goes away when I'm with Eren.

Things are serious now, Eren's in danger of being taken away, and he's hurt deep down. I need him now, and he needs me, I'm not alone anymore.

I need to fight for Eren, my muscles tensed and burned as I struggled to my feet. Placing my hands on knees and reaching for the door I stood. As I turned the knob and opened the door I accepted the fight for Eren and opened my heart to him.

"Hey Eren."

He turned around on the couch, his eyes lighting up when he saw me.

He got up and hugged me, pulled back with his hands on my shoulder I felt the love radiate off him into me.

"I missed you, Eren."

I fell into his chest.

"Everything's going to be alright from now on."

Eren's POV

I can't sleep, I'm too worried about Levi. I'll clean for him, I want to impress him.

I spent the whole time cleaning.

"I'm exhausted." I flopped down onto the couch and closed my eyes.

I heard the sound of the door opening and then I heard Levi, I am so happy to see him. I hugged him hard then looked into his eyes. He seemed okay, but something was different about him, he seemed to be accepting my love more than normal, even though he didn't look different.

A small smile swept across his mouth.

He told me he missed me and my heart skipped a beat.

He fell into my chest and told me everything was going to be okay. Something happened out there, he looks worn out. I wrapped my arms around him and stoked his hair.

"I trust you, Levi."

We stood there for a while, I rested my head on top of his.

"You should shower before you sleep or you'll wake up angry Levi."

I started to pull back but realized he was sleeping. He sleeps a lot, I guess.

I laid him down on the couch and sat on the floor, I still couldn't sleep. I pecked his sleeping lips. I sat there besides the couch till I fell asleep.

I woke up and Levi was still sleeping, I shook him. He didn't wake naturally I slapped him.

"Fuck, Eren I'm awake."

"Mornin' sleeping beauty." I said as I laughed.

Oops, I guess I shouldn't have slapped him but I got worried.

Levi got up and went into the bathroom I followed making sure to look at his butt--can't help it.

He groaned, "I feel disgusting."

We showered and made breakfast after. I sat at the small island and watched him cook. Being with Levi like this made me forget all about my past and my troubles. He made me so happy I was now in complete control of myself and I never even worried about Grisha.

I watched Levi's muscles move as he cooked up the pancakes, he was showing off when he flipped the pancakes. He looked stern and cold but I could see that inside he was as happy as I was.

We ate our breakfast and sat cuddled on the couch watching more People of Earth.

I couldn't focus on the show, and I loved it, it's perfect dry humor, instead all I could think about was Levi. I couldn't stop looking at his beautiful features.

I reached up for his face and kissed him, I loved kissing him, he was such a good kisser, he followed my rhythm and moved with me, his small hand was at the nape of my neck and he pushed my head closer to his.

I pulled back, we looked at each other, "I love you" we both said.

I laughed, "We're a cute sappy couple now Levi!"

I kissed him again, nothing could ruin my happiness with Levi.

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