Chapter 9: Devil Born From Betrayal, Chaos At The Prom

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(Story starts right where the last chapter left off as sonic is staring daggers at doll as she's glaring back at sonic)

N: wait, sonic? Woah, you're dapper too! Wanna join our group?

(Sonic turns to N)

Sonic: not now, but definitely later!

(He turns back to doll)

Sonic: what do you think you're doing, doll? Were you seriously just about to kill uzi??

Doll: узи на стороне дронов-убийц, я имею полное право убить ее вместе с ними. (Uzi's sided with the murder drones, I have every right to kill her alongside them.)

Sonic: ...uhhh...

(He turns back to uzi, N and V)

Sonic: what she say?

Lizzy (o-s): she said she has a right to kill her.

(Everyone turns to lizzy who walks out)

Lizzy: this whole thing was just a plot to kill V. Then again ms. Petty tried to use me to kill everyone else, so that's just karma.

(Sonic turns back to V and points at her)

Sonic: ah-ha! So you WERE up to something!

V: not my fault that chain you had me in was barely tough.

Sonic: wait...

(He then turns to lizzy)

Sonic: so were you faking when you asked me to be your date??

Lizzy: uh! N-no, no! That was legit! I... I really wanted to go with you.

Sonic: ...huh.

Doll: Возможно, ты уже спас нас раньше, но если ты встанешь на сторону этих монстров, я убью и тебя. (You might have saved us before, but if you're siding with those monsters, I will kill you as well.)

Sonic: ...??

Lizzy: oh, she said if you're siding with them, she's gonna kill you too. Wait...

Sonic: yeah, I don't think so.

(He turns to N)

Sonic: N, get uzi outta there. I'll-

(Suddenly doll uses her absolute solver to grab sonic, N and V by their arms and legs)

Sonic, N, V: ...?!

(Cue sonic forces ost: mega death egg robot:

(She then swings the 3 of them onto a wall and keeps them pinned there as they try to move)

Sonic: AUGH!

V: grr! Dammit! Grrrr!

N: I-I can't move!

Uzi: N! Sonic!

(She tries to pull her shoulder out of the pipe again but the wound spills out more oil)

Uzi: GCK!

Lizzy: uh... doll? Isn't this a bit much?

(Doll turns to lizzy before she uses her solver to pin lizzy to the wall by her arms and legs too)

Lizzy: GAH! H-hey, what the hell are you doing?! Let me go!!

Doll: Я собираюсь покончить с этим безумием раз и навсегда ЛЮБЫМИ необходимыми средствами. (I'm going to end this madness, once and for all, by ANY means necessary.)

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