Chapter 23: Grudges, The March To A Darker World

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(Cue sonic frontiers ost: rejection:


(Story starts where the last chapter left off as the keybug is squirming around upside down as it types "SOMEONE HELP, I FELL AND CAN'T GET UP!" before J picks the keybug up before typing "OH THANK YOU. :]")

J: heh! Looks like I win this little race, as expected. But... also unexpected.

(She shrugs before flying off back to the camp before doll's solver grabs J's arm)

J: AH...?!

(Doll this seen flying up at J)

Doll: GRR!

(She goes to kick J with her leg that just finished regenerating but J quickly points her EMP hand at doll as she blasts her with it)

Doll: ...!!!

(Her systems shut down as she falls to the ground as the solver lets go of J)

J: hmph.

(She takes off again before it cuts to uzi and tails before knuckles, N and V show up)

N: what was all of that just now?!

Knuckles: that was definitely sonic. But where is he??

Uzi: he's gone... sonic ran through some portal...

Tails: he must've been building up speed for a burst. But it doesn't explain why that portal suddenly appeared and then shortly disappeared.

(Suddenly the powered off doll crashes near the group)

The squad: ...?!

(They all look up to see J flying overhead with the keybug in her hand)


(She quickly takes off after J)

Tails: uzi!

V: you guys need to put a leash on her or something!

(The squad follows uzi before it cuts back to Amy and Tessa as tessa lands in the top of the cabin fever labs facility and puts amy down)

Amy: Uh, t-thanks...?

Tessa: no problem. I still have some questions for you guys about shadow.

Amy: wait, you know sha-?

(Suddenly J lands behind Amy)

Amy: EEK!

J: keybug secure, boss.

(She tosses it to Tessa who catches it)

Tessa: finally! Now we can-!

Uzi (o-s): HOLD IT!!

(The squad minus sonic lands as N was struggling to carry knuckles before he drops him and uzi's panting)

Uzi: you're not... going anywhere... with that!

J: ugh... does she EVER know when to quit?

V: nope.

N: eeeh, not really.

Uzi: my friend... and THEIR friend just got blipped out of existence because of that thing, okay?! So I think you owe us some kind of explanation!

J: what. You expect us to just blurt it all out?

Tessa: J, relay hand, cyn's orders.

J: uh, boss-?!

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