Chapter 26.5: Reconcile, For Machine, By Machine...

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(Story starts with V landing in a junkyard as her wings fold back into her back as she wanders around before finding an oil barrel under some drone parts)


V: there you are.

(She pulls the barrel out and opens it before V suddenly gets a notification on her visor)

V: huh?


V: N's in trouble, huh?

(She shrugs)

V: hm. That purple freak and those mutant animals are with him, I'm sure he'll be fine. Probably.

(She starts to drink from the oil barrel before stopping as she wipes her mouth)

V: ahh... sucks that I have to drink outta these stupid things. The fat man's made it harder to get into that purple freak's colony, I haven't had a killing spree since...

(She bangs on the top of the barrel)

V: since that rat first showed up...!

(Flashes back to chapters 3 and 4 when she, N and J fought sonic but they got whooped as it then flashes back to now)

V: there's no way that those mutants came from earth. Unless they're all from... no, no, that couldn't be. It was just him.

(She grabs her head)

V: GAAH! I shouldn't have to think this hard! Our whole simple mission's gone to shit 'cause of those blue and purple freaks! And on-top of that, one of them's got the same program thing as... cyn.

(Flashes back to chapter 12 when sonic was trying to stop V from killing uzi)

Sonic (flashback): uzi not being herself isn't gonna be your excuse to kill her, V!

(Flashes back to now)

V: she's gonna kill everything she sees if we don't kill her first! But it's not like I can just waltz in and attack that purple freak, she's got that power and those animals will be there to back her up. Even N... *sighs* I swear that idiot's gonna be the death of us.

(She starts drinking out of the barrel again as she gulps down the whole thing)

V: ugh... I really need to stop talking to myself, I'm starting to sound like J after getting a bad review on our kill count.

(She kicks the barrel over before sitting on it and crosses her arms and looks and the ground)

V: but what the hell am I gonna do?

(She then sees something on the ground)

V: ...?

(She sees a pair of broken glasses in the snow near her foot as she picks them up and examines them)

V: hmm...

(She puts them on and looks around as her vision is blurry)

V: mm...

(She goes into her options menu and adjusts her blur settings to where she can see through the broken glasses as V then takes them off and resets her blur settings)

V: ...I'm gonna need a second opinion.

(It cuts to lizzy's place as she hears her doorbell being rang repeatedly)

Lizzy: I'm coming, I'm coming! Chill out!

(She opens the door only to see nobody there)

Lizzy: ugh, a ding dong ditch? Really?

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