Chapter 18: Disciple From The ARK, Shadows Of The Past

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(Story starts right where the last chapter left off as uzi, N, V and tails are all face to face with shadow the hedgehog)

Tails: no way... shadow...?!

Uzi: I... I-I don't understand...! Why does he look like-?!

Shadow: hold on, you're all machines. What's going on in here?

N: u-uh, n-n-nothing! We were just uhhh, l-looking for someone and we got uhh... sidetracked.

Shadow: ...

(He crosses his arms)

Shadow: you're a bad lair. Now you can either answer my question, or get decommissioned for trespassing.

V: tch.

(She slowly goes to pull out her stinger but tails grabs V's arm to stop her)

(Cue under the surface:

V: ...??

(Tails' pod shakes it head no)

Tails (whispers): he'll take you down before you even get the chance to throw that. We need to talk to him, not fight him.

N (whispers): do you think he can help us?

Tails (whispers): maybe. Let me handle this.

(He hovers over to shadow)

Tails: hello, shadow. I'm tails. I'm from the future. More than fifty years from now.

Shadow: the future? Absurd. Do you take me for a fool?

Tails: not really, no. I'm actually from the future, and I know future you.

Shadow: hmph. If you are acquainted with my future self, then name one specific fact about me.

Tails: your favorite thing to have for breakfast is the coffee beans straight up.

Shadow: ...that's... oddly specific. No one would know that unless I told them.

(N looks over to V and uzi)

N: wait, he eats just the beans? Ew...

Uzi: you eat other drones. How is that less gross to you?

Shadow: so you ARE from the future. And what about them?

(He points to uzi, N and V)

Tails: Uhh, they're with me! Look shadow, you're all in danger! There's a rogue drone that snuck upon the space colony and it's planning to massacre everyone here! It's name is cyn.

Shadow: you're worried about a drone?

(N runs up to shadow and tails)

N: not a drone! A really big nightmarish snake crab! It's got weird powers and stuff!

Shadow: tch. That just sounds like something you made up on the spot.

(Uzi hovers over to them and V walks over too)

Uzi: ugh, look! The point is we're trying to save your sorry hides from being murdered! So if you could help us catch this thing instead of barking at us, that would be GREATLY appreciated!

Shadow: ...are there anymore of you here?

N: two others. They're looking around for cyn too. Ones a human, and the others a drone.

Shadow: ...hmph.

(He turns around)

Shadow: for your sakes, you had better be right.

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