45 || Ranting & Raving

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Knowing Ollie has betrayed Eulalia, it doesn't surprise me when he was fishy in the first place. Though I am severely pissed off and disappointed in Zayn, I believe his intention wasn't to hurt us and he would've backed out if he could, but since this mysterious person has gained control over everyone basically, it's hard to stop.

When finding out that Ollie was responsible for most of the accident, I wanted to hurt him then and there. Louis refused to get involved with him and decided to track his whereabouts the past days and surprisingly, he is staying put, he is laying low, which means he knows something is wrong or he doesn't know anything. All we have to do is wait, which is mainly the worst thing to do.

With questioning, how did we track Ollie? Louis found the address of his house and put a tracking device inside his car, that had barely moved, and Louis hired a trusted friend to watch his house and with the source, he hasn't left and has been staying inside, keeping away from the heat. Though he don't know if he's been contacted from the mysterious man, we assume his next move will happen when Eulalia, which I believe is soon. It just feels right, right now.

After we were in the office most of the time, Louis and me went back to the hospital to chat it up with Ms. Snow. Her boyfriend, who I finally have met, was there visiting. All five of us, including Eulalia, were all together talking. The coziness of it relaxed my nerves of everything. With the pain of my knuckles after I hit Zayn, the sting had finally died down but it still remained with a slight red touch.

The next day, Wednesday, December 28th, it was just Eulalia and me. I ordered breakfast in the morning, decided after I would go visit Marvel, who was upset I have been missing, and then I went back to speak with Niall at the hospital. He had nothing planned that day because soon him and his band will be going on tour back in Europe, Zoe traveling with them, which I pray she survives because they are all a bunch of wild animals and are not afraid to do anything.

Thursday, I went home to grab some painting supplies to pass time since it was a slow day. I finished a quick dove, flying in the nighttime sky, in the time span of three hours. For dinner that day, I ate Chinese food for the millionth time, and slept in Eulalia's arms again, tossing and turning because of everything flowing through my brain.

Friday night, I was invited by Melina and Ceci for dinner. Dawn was also invited and he brought a deck of cards. So when eating our dinner, two delicious pizzas, we played a game of Kings of Corners right there at the restaurant table. Niall and Zoe were not able to make it since Zoe had a mandatory meal with her parents and Niall was trying to impress the two, which I believe he succeeded in.

Saturday I called my mom, then my sister, and lastly my dad. My mom was stilling finishing up with her children's book she's been working on for a year or so, my sister, Gemma, her sunglasses company is getting more involved and she's really excited, which makes me happy, and my dad, he has been staying low, working like always, but still happy all around. I didn't do much the rest that day, I just stayed at the hospital with my precious girl.

Moving forward four days later, it is now New Year's Eve—Sunday—and everyone is here. Eulalia's parents, stepmom too, all of our friends, Zayn, and Louis and Felix have also joined, which I am happy that we're all able to accept each other. With snacks, drinks, and games all around, everyone is chatting and meeting everyone. We're here to share and celebrate our time with Eulalia, even if she isn't able to make it physically, she's still in our presence.

Doctor Blake, earlier today, proceeded to inform me that if Eulalia stays in her coma, when she wakes up, brain damage is more possible than it was a few weeks earlier.

I didn't know what to think, but just to deny his knowledge because Eulalia wouldn't just lose her memory. Plus, I believe she is in there and will hear us one day and will be able to tell us, even if it's small.

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