Hang Out

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Slow day today, let's all thank FireFox7895 bc they wanted this one to get updated!! Also go follow them bc they're really cool and write good fanfic >:)

Etho's Perspective-

Etho was talking with his friend Impulse when he spotted Joel walk into the cafeteria.

"Oh, I'll be right back." Etho said, hitting the table lightly as he got up.

"Where're you going?" Impulse asked, turning around in his seat to see Joel.

"I was gonna invite Joel over to hang out this weekend." Etho said before walking away.

"Hey Joel!" Etho smiled, waving to his friend.

Joel smiled as he turned to his friend, "Hey Etho!"

"Do you need something?" Joel asked, sitting down at his table.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend."

Joel looked stunned.

"Not like that!" Etho added quickly, laughing nervously, "Not- not like that."

"It's just been a while since we've hung out." Etho said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh...sure!" Joel smiled, "It'd be fun."

"I'll text you a time later." Etho smiled as he walked back to his table with Skizz, Impulse, and Bdubs.

Cleo had a separate lunch period from them, so they didn't see her at lunch.

"So like...are you and Joel..." Skizz trailed off, clearly hinting at the question on whether or not Joel and Etho were now dating.

Etho turned red, "Why does everyone think that?!"

Skizz and Impulse chuckled.

"You said you were gonna invite Joel to hang out- "

"As friends. As friends, Impulse."

Impulse shrugged.

"I don't do that to you whenever you invite Skizz to hang out!"

"That's because you know me and Skizz are just friends! Besides, we didn't know that you and Joel were just- "

"Yes, you do! Stop lying! You've heard me complain about everyone shipping me and Joel."

Skizz and Impulse laughed again.

"How come you never sit with Joel? You always talk about how close you guys are and yet you almost never sit with each other."

Etho shrugged, "We team up on projects and stuff."

"Really? When?"

"In history class when we have projects. Or Spanish."

They sat in a bit of a silence until Bdubs said,
"Well...anyway, how was your camping trip?"

"Oh yeah!" Skizz said, "It was fun. Me and Impulse went canoeing; it was fun."

Impulse and Skizz continued to tell their camping stories while Etho thought about his hang out with Joel.

It's not a date. Why does everyone think that?

Little did Etho know, he was very wrong.

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