I Like Bdubs, But Now I Like Joel?

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Etho's Perspective-

"I don't understand! I don't get it!" Etho shouted before groaning into his hands and collapsing onto his bed.

"Dang." Cleo blinked, "Sounds like a lot."

"You think? I thought I liked Bdubs, but now I like Joel!"

Cleo nodded.

"Have you come out to your mom?" She asked.
Etho shook his head.

"Not yet."

"I suggest starting there and then figuring out your feelings."

"But...I just don't get it."

Cleo bit her lip before sighing.

"Look, I can't take this anymore, Bdubs likes someone else."

Etho froze, looking up.


Cleo nodded.


"Ask him once you figure out this whole thing with your feelings."

Etho sighed and Cleo patted his back reassuringly.

"Come on, Etho. I've never seen you this way."

Etho mumbled.

Cleo waited for another response, but when she didn't get one, she continued.

"I need you to do this one thing for me. Trust me, it'll help. Have you ever pictured you and Bdubs going on a date and possibly being in a relationship together?"

"What do you mean? Of course, I- "

"But can you picture you and Bdubs holding hands and kissing and going on dates?"

Etho thought for a moment before slowly shaking his head.

"Exactly." Cleo said, smiling, "Now ask yourself the same thing, but with Joel. Can you picture you and Joel holding hands and kissing and going out together?"

Etho thought.

"I mean...kind of."

Cleo smiled and folded her arms, "There you go. You like Joel, not Bdubs."

"But I- I really thought I- "

"You could've liked Bdubs, but I don't think a relationship between you two would ever work out. It'd probably last one date, but that would be it." Cleo said, shrugging.

Etho continued to think when Cleo got up.

"I gotta go."

"Where?" Etho asked.

"My dad's just texted me. Needs help with something." She shrugged.

She walked outside and said, "Make sure to talk to your mom, alright?"

Etho nodded and she smiled.


She then turned around and walked into her father's van.

Etho smiled as he walked back inside.

He walked to his mother's office and knocked on the half open door.

She turned around and smiled, "Hey Etho! Did Cleo just leave?"

Etho nodded.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her smile fading a bit, "You look sad."

"I just..." Etho sighed as he sat down on the couch his mother had in her office, "I need to tell you something."

Etho's mother gasped as she excitedly walked over to the couch and sat across from her son.

"What?" Etho asked, confused by his mother's reaction.

"If this is what I think it is, I am very excited!" She smiled.

Etho tilted his head, "What do you think I'm going to say?"

"This is when you're gonna come out to me, right?"

Etho froze.

"I- how did you know?"

"Oh, I've known for ages, honey. Probably before even you knew!"


"I have a friend who's gay. And sweetie, I'm lesbian, you should've come out to me when you found out what you were. You know I would've been fine as I'm a part of the community as well!" (I know a lot of you are headed to the comments to ask how the heck Etho forgot his mother was lesbian but just let me do this, alright??)

Etho blinked, "I- I'm such an idiot."

His mother laughed as she brought her son into a hug.

"It's okay. I know both of our lives have been hectic."

"But how did I forget you were lesbian?!"

"I'm not sure, but it's okay. Don't worry."

Etho chuckled lightly as he hugged his mother.

"So are you gay? Bi? Which one?"


Etho smiled nervously as he saw his mother's smile widen.

She hugged her son again, tears falling.

"Ugh- mom!"

She giggled as she broke apart from the hug, wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy."

Etho smiled.

"I always knew you were a part of the community. Know that I'll support you no matter what."

"Thanks mom."

"Of course, honey."

"Now who's the boy you like?" She asked, catching Etho off guard.

"I- what makes you think I like someone right now?" Etho laughed nervously.

"I assume that's what you and Cleo were talking about."

Etho stopped laughing and looked everywhere but at his mother.

"Well..." She said, edging her son to go on.

"It's Joel." Etho whispered.

His mother smiled as she hugged her son yet again.

Etho chuckled and hugged back.

"I'm so proud of you." She said, kissing his forehead.

Etho smiled, "Thanks mom."

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