Everything's Changed

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Etho's Perspective-

As the months went by, so did people's relationships.

Scar and Grian ended up getting together along with Bdubs and Doc.

But Etho still hadn't mustered up enough courage to ask out Joel.

"I know he likes someone else." Etho kept saying, "Besides, we don't even know if he's gay!"

Cleo sighed.

They were sitting together at lunch that day and she was getting a bit tired of Etho's rants about Joel.

"That's it." She said, getting up.

"What's it?" Etho asked, turning in his seat to see where Cleo was walking.

"What's it?!" Etho shouted but she still didn't respond.

Bdubs looked up from his math homework and laughed.

"What?" Etho asked, turning to him, fear in his eyes.

"She's going to ask him if he's gay." Bdubs said, nodding towards Cleo.

Etho turned back around and saw Cleo talking with Lizzie.

He saw Lizzie laugh and look at him.

She smiled and waved to Etho who groaned and hid his face in his hands.

"I've never seen you act this way." Bdubs said, "It's weird."

He then shrugged as he got back to his homework.

Etho then heard Scar sigh as he sat down next to him.

"Hey guys." Scar said sadly.

Bdubs nodded towards his brother, "Your boyfriend still not here?"

Scar nodded sadly as he rested his head on his hand, "He's still sick. I hope he feels better soon."

"Yeah...can you help me with this question?" Bdubs asked, showing his brother the homework.

Scar chuckled lightly before helping out Bdubs.

"Hi Scar!" Cleo smiled as she sat down next to Etho, who still had his head buried in his arms.

"So what'd you find out?" Bdubs asked.

"He's not gay, he's bi." Cleo said.

"Wait, what? Who are we talking about?" Scar asked.

He wasn't caught up in all that was happening with them as he was mostly sitting and talking with Grian and his friends.

"Joel." Cleo said, nudging Etho, "This guy has a huge crush on him."

"OoOoOo!" Scar said mockingly.

"Shut up! It's not a huge crush, I just like him." Etho shouted, picking his head up.

Scar laughed, "Then why's your face so red?"

Etho shot him a look and Scar smiled nervously as he looked back down at Bdubs's math homework.

"And you could've just asked me about Joel. I know a bit about him now that I'm sitting with Gri." Scar said, not looking up from the work.

"Well, I didn't know that! And besides, Cleo already got up by the time you walked over."

Scar shrugged.

"How much do you know about him?" Cleo asked.

"Not much. I'm too close with him, but I do know that he likes a guy right now."

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