The Dance

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(The art at the top is by falconearring on Tumblr. Go follow them, they have amazing skills)

Joel's Perspective-

Joel walked up to Etho's door and knocked.

Etho's mother answered and smiled.

"Hey Joel! It's been so long since I've seen you come over!"

Joel smiled nervously, "Yeah!"

"Come in, come in! Etho's just finishing up his math homework in his room." She said.

"Thanks." Joel said, walking over to Etho's room.

Joel walked into Etho's room and saw him working at his desk.

"Hey Joel!" Etho smiled.

Joel smiled as he listened to the music Etho was playing.

"I just have to finish this math." Etho said, motioning to the work.

"Want help?" Joel asked, looking over his friend's shoulder.

"Nah, I- "

Joel pointed to one of the problems, "You got number 5 wrong. It's supposed to be x=-12, not -7."

Etho blinked.

"I- how did you- I didn't know you were good at math!"

Joel rolled his eyes, "Wowwwww. Thanks."

"You're welcome." Etho smiled.

Just then, a song that Joel loved came on.

"I didn't know you listened to this!" Joel smiled, getting up.

Etho shrugged, "Yeah...well, sometimes. I kinda forgot I had it on here."

Joel started dancing, making his friend chuckle.

"Come on!" Joel said, grabbing Etho's arm and tugging it.

Etho sighed, but he was smiling behind his mask as he stood up.

Joel laughed as Etho slowly moved around.

"Come onnnnnn. You can do better than that." Joel said, smirking at Etho.

Etho shook his head, blush forming on his face.

Etho tried to sit down but Joel grabbed his arm before he could.

"This is my favorite song. Can you at least dance to it once?" Joel asked nicely, making Etho blush.

Etho sighed, "Fine."

Joel grabbed Etho's hands, and they spun around in a circle.

Joel was laughing and didn't notice how red Etho's face was.

Just then, Joel tripped over his foot and fell.

Joel gasped and Etho ran over and grabbed him before he fell, causing Joel to accidentally throw his hands around Etho's neck.

They froze, not breaking eye contact.

The song soon ended and Joel and Etho stared at each other.

Joel felt the heat rush up to his face as he blushed.

He then got up on his feet and stepped back.

"I- uh- sorry." He said.

Etho turned away, trying to hide his red face.

"It's alright." Etho said.

Joel nodded as he sat back down.

They sat in silence, listening to the next song that came on.

Etho awkwardly coughed, " do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Etho motioned out his door, towards the living room.

Joel blinked, "Uh- yeah...yeah sure."

They ended up watching The Incredibles, but Joel didn't pay attention.

All he could think about was their dance.

He couldn't understand his emotions.


Oh my cod. Joel thought. I like Etho.

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