The Overprotective Brother

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Bdubs's Perspective-

"Alright Scar! I'm going out with Doc; I'll see you later!" Bdubs called as he walked up to the front door.

Scar appeared in front of him, making Bdubs yelp and stumble backwards.

"Where do you think you're going?" Scar asked, folding his arms.

"I just said, with Doc. Remember? He asked me out and we have our date today."

"What are you doing?" Scar asked.

"He's taking me to lunch and then he said he had a surprise for me."

Scar raised an eyebrow.

It took Bdubs a second to realize what Scar was hinting at.

Bdubs's face flushed red.

"It's nothing like that!" He shouted.

Scar's expression turned stern, "I still want to know what he has planned."

"Fine!" Bdubs said, throwing his hands in the air, "Fine! Ask him right now!"

Bdubs opened the door and walked outside, Scar following, his arms still folded and expression still stern.

Bdubs was angry but he couldn't help but smile and blush as he ran up and hugged Doc.

"Hey Bdubs!" Doc smiled, kissing his boyfriend's cheek.

Doc then saw Scar and his smile faded a bit.

"Er- hey Scar. Everything alright?"

Scar narrowed his eyes, "What's this surprise you have planned later?"

It took a second for Doc to get what Scar hinted at and his face turned red like Bdubs's did a couple minutes ago.

"It's not what you think it is!"

"Then what is it?" Scar asked.

"I..." Doc glanced at Bdubs, "I really wanted it to be a surprise."

"What. Is. It." Scar asked, stabbing a finger into Doc's chest.

Doc sighed, "It's mini-golf."

Bdubs's eyes widened, and he blushed.

It was definitely not what he was expecting, but it sounded fun.

Scar's expression softened.

"Oh." He said.

"See?" Bdubs said, folding his arms, "You don't need to be so overprotective."

"I'm just...I'm supposed to be the older brother- "

"You're older than me by a month, Scar. That's not much. We're practically twins."

"But- "

"I'll be fine, Scar."

Scar sighed, "I just wanna make sure you'll be okay."

"But I don't do this whenever you go out with Grian! Why can't you just let me go?"

"Because I'm worried you're gonna get hurt." Scar said, ignoring how Doc's expression turned to shock, "I'm worried something's gonna happen and you're gonna be heartbroken."

"Doc would never do that to me." Bdubs said, also ignoring Doc, "Just trust my judgement. It's not gonna turn out like you and Alex did years ago."

Scar winced and his eyes fluttered to the ground.

"Your relationship with Grian is much better now, right? Do I ever pester you and pamper you about how I'm worried it's gonna turn out like Alex did? No! It's because I trust your judgement and know that Grian's a good guy who loves you no matter what."

Bdubs then walked up to Doc and held his hand, "Please, Scar. Doc's a good guy and he loves me the same way I love him. I'm not gonna get hurt."

Scar sighed and then smiled softly.

Bdubs smiled back and hugged his brother.

"I gotta go now, alright?" Bdubs asked after a minute.

Scar nodded and they broke apart.

Bdubs and Doc then started walking to the nearby deli that was run by Mumbo's family.

As they did, Bdubs felt that his relationship with his brother was going to get a lot better.

Yeah, this is a major filler chapter but I like it! Shows the relationship Bdubs and Scar have. Anyway, if you wanna find out how Doc and Bdubs date was, go recommend a fluff one-shot in my One-Shot book! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully you'll get to see their cute date!

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