Has School Always Been This Awkward?

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Joel's Perspective-

Joel sat down next to Etho on the bus.

They both smiled and blushed at each other.

Joel awkwardly drummed his fingers on his backpack, not knowing what to do.

He wanted to hold Etho's hand, but he was embarrassed.

What am I supposed to do? I don't want people to know about us.

Joel looked around at the other kids on the bus and saw that they were either talking or listening to music, not really caring about what everyone else was doing.

Joel then looked at Etho and smiled.

Etho chuckled lightly as he held Joel's hand.

"Do you know if Grian's going to be back today?" Etho asked.

Joel shook his head, "I don't know. I think he's still staying home. He got knocked down hard and he tried to work while he was sick so it's taking him a lot longer to feel better."

Etho laughed, "Yeah...I heard Scar complaining about how Grian was overworking himself. I think he said that he had to forcefully take away the work from Grian."

Joel chuckled, "That's Grian. Always wanting to keep up, despite him being sick. But hopefully Scar got to him."

"And I know Bdubs has been mad at Scar." Etho said.

"Really? Why?"

"Because Scar's been really overprotective of him. Bdubs said he and Scar got in a bit of an argument, but I think they're okay now."

Joel nodded in understandment, and they went their separate ways.


Joel walked into the cafeteria and looked around.

He saw his friends sitting at his table and Etho talking with Bdubs, Cleo, and Scar.

Joel sat down next to Etho and smiled nervously at his friends.

Cleo smirked and elbowed Joel, "Wanna sit with your boyfriend?"

Joel blushed and Cleo and Bdubs laughed.

"It's fine, Joel." Scar said, rolling his eyes, "Besides, I'm sure Doc would wanna sit with us because of Bdubs."

Now Bdubs turned red.

"It's not like you'd let him since you're so overprotective." Bdubs shot back and Scar laughed.

"I'm okay with you and Doc now, you know that."

Bdubs shrugged.

Just then, Joel heard his name and turned around to see a group of giggling girls.

Joel sighed, his face flushed with red as he knew that they were talking about him and Etho being together.

"Hey," Etho said to Joel as Cleo, Scar, and Bdubs got up to get lunch, "Don't worry about them."

"But..." Joel glanced at the group of girls who were shooting looks at them, "There are gonna be so many rumors and I just want them to shut up."

"Just ignore them." Etho said, putting his hand onto Joel's, blushing.

Joel looked down at their hands, blushing.
"Who cares about the rumors?"

"I do! Do you know how many people will hate me for being gay?"

"Who would care?"

"So many people who would start to make fun of me! Parker and his friends would- "

Joel cut himself off as he watched Etho stand up and walk over to a different table where Parker sat, laughing with his friends.

Just then, Cleo, Scar, and Bdubs sat down.

"Where's Etho going?" Cleo asked, grabbing a fry from her tray and eating it.

"I- I..." Joel couldn't form words.

He was in shock as he watched Etho start shouting at Parker who looked at Joel with a smirk.

Joel hid his face in his hands.

"Ohhh." Cleo said, smirking, "Your boyfriend's standing up for you."

Etho then sat down, looking frustrated.

"Alright, don't need to worry about them anymore." Etho said.

"Also, everyone knows about us." Ethos added and Joel groaned.

"Come on Joel, you shouldn't care about what the other bitches say." Cleo said, "Just make sure you're happy in your relationship."

"I mean, everyone knows about me and Grian." Scar said, shrugging, "And no one really cares."

This made Joel lift his head up, "Really?"

Scar nodded, "I'll get the snarky comment here and there but mostly people move on. They ship people who aren't in relationships, but once you are, they don't care."

Joel looked at Etho who smiled.

"See?" Etho said, "No one cares."

Joel smiled softly as he bumped into Etho sympathetically, "Thanks, Etho."


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