Good Times With Scar

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Scar's Perspective-

Scar smiled softly as he walked into his boyfriend's room.

Grian was sitting in his bed with a lap desk, working on the math homework.

"Gri, what are you doing?" Scar asked quietly as he sat down next to Grian.

Grian turned his head and coughed before sniffing and saying, "Doing the math homework."

Scar sighed and held Grian's hand, "But you're sick, you should be resting."

"No." Grian said, shaking his head, "I need to be catching up with you guys."

Scar picked up the lap desk and moved took it outside of Grian's room.

"No! Scar!" Grian shouted.

Scar chuckled as he put down the desk and walked back inside Grian's room.

"Yes G?"

"Please. I need to do- "

"No, you need to rest." Scar said, folding his arms, "If you overwork yourself, it's gonna take longer for you to return to school."

Grian grumbled as he pouted.

Scar laughed as he sat down next to Grian.

Grian laid on his shoulder and sniffed.

"See? You're really sick. You're not helping yourself by doing the homework." Scar said, playing with Grian's soft, tangled hair.

"But- "

"No buts. Please."

Grian looked into Scar's eyes before sighing.

"Okay." He said.

"Thank you, G." Scar smiled, kissing Grian's forehead.

Grian blushed and smiled as he laid back down.

In only seconds he was asleep, snoring softly.

Scar smiled as he kissed Grian's cheek and left.


"How's Grian doing?" Bdubs asked as his brother walked back into their house.

Scar sighed, "A bit better. He's just bored."

Scar then chuckled lightly, "He's trying to get all the work he's missed done, despite him being sick."

Bdubs smiled softly before turning back to the game he was playing.

"And how's Doc?" Scar asked, looking over his little brother's shoulder.

Bdubs blushed a bit, "Oh, you know..."

Scar raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing interest- "

"He asked me out." Bdubs said abruptly, interrupting Scar as he turned around in his chair.

"Haven't you guys already been dating?"

"Yeah, but he's asked me to go get lunch with him before we go to something else."

"What's this 'something else'?" Scar asked.

Bdubs shrugged, "I don't know. He said it was a surprise."

Scar hummed, a bit worried.

"I'm gonna go ask- "

"Stop acting like you're my big brother!"

"I am!"

"By a month! That's nothing!"

"Yeah, but I'm still your brother." Scar said, folding his arms.

Bdubs scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I'm pretty excited." Bdubs smiled as he turned back around to face his screen.

"That's nice. Wish I could do something like that with Grian." Scar said, a frown edging on his face.

Bdubs patted his shoulder, smiling up at him, "It's gonna be okay, don't worry."

Scar smiled, "I know. I just hate seeing him sick."

Scar then walked into his room and took out his homework.

As he was working, he realized how much he struggled without Grian's help.

He sighed, tapping his head with his pencil.

Eventually, he gave up and decided to wait until he could talk with Mumbo tomorrow to get it done.

Just then, his phone buzzed, making Scar jump.

He blushed as he saw it was a message from Grian.

'Scar, now my mom's not bringing in the lap desk >:(

'You're supposed to be asleep!' Scar texted.

'Yeah but I need to get work done too'

'Gri, don't you dare. Please. Do this for me?'


'fine.' Grian texted.

Scar chuckled lightly, wishing he could hug and kiss his short boyfriend.

'I love you, Gri'

'I love you too, Scar'

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