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please don't kill me for how inaccurate this is

also creepy ass dabi

"Alright, let's get this shit over with." I stand on the closed seat of the toilet. I use a screw driver to undo the screws in the vent. My sister left it for me the last time she visited. I carefully places the screws on the sink. "Now we're getting somewhere," I whisper to myself. I grab the inside of the vent and pull myself up.

Fuck okay, what was it. A right....then a left. Another left. A right. I try my best to memorize the placements of the rooms and the hallways. Alright, I think I've found it. This vent should leave to the hall in leading to the front door. I bang my foot on it until it comes out. Took more out of me then expected. I jump out of the vent and land on my feet.

And I'm in a bathroom.

It looks exactly like mine. Please don't tell me I just crawled around in a circle. I open the door and enter the room. But it's not mine. The walls aren't bare. They're covered in sketches. Skeletons, flowers, waterfalls. Where the hell am I? I hear movement coming from the far side of the room. I walk over to the bed and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen was sleeping in it. Her hair was short and pale blue. Her chest is kinda flat though.
I pull up her shirt and-oh it's a boy. Nice. He looks really skinny though. Like, dangerously skinny. I could see his rib cage. I lower his shirt. His face is so...I can't explain it. He's got a scar above his eye and another one going through the right side of his lip. I'm getting hard just looking at him. I kneel down and stroke his neck. He groans softly. His neck is covered in scars. I slowly run my fingers along his jawline. He leans into the touch.

I've never seen him before. Did he just get here? No, I would have notice. His hair kind of stands out. How could such a beautiful face go unnoticed? I brush his bangs out of his eyes. My eyes trail to his lips. I softly trace my finger along his bottom lip. As soon as I do he turns on his side reveling his back side.

Damn, nice ass.

I reach out to touch it but I stop myself. That's weird and kinda illegal. I should really get back to finding the front door. I head back to the bathroom. I hear him groan slightly. I walk back over to him and run my fingers through his hair. He leans into the touch again. He seemed to miss the contact. I grin to myself. He was mine.

Shit, how the hell am I supposed to leave now?

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now