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Let's just say growing up in the Shimura house hold was not a walk in the park. More like hell on Earth. All due to the father of the house hold.

He was a quiet man. Quiet but angry. And he would often take his anger out on his son. Correction, always take his anger out on his son.

"Honey please, he's only seven," his wife pleaded. "He needs to learn. If we let him get away with things like this now, he'll think it's okay." He tighten the belt in his hand as he made his way to the bedroom. "Its just a B, a high one at that! It won't happen again, he'll try harder!" He ignored his wife's begging and slams the door open. Tomura knew exactly what was about to happen. It had happened many times before. Each time hurt more than the last.

But it wasn't always grades. He would beat Tomura just because he felt like it. He would do more than just beat him though. He would starve him and make him sleep outside most nights. And if you thought school was an escape for him, you were strongly mistaken.

School was just as bad. Children are fucking mean. They would make fun of him for anything and everything. And the teachers wouldn't do anything about it. By the time he got to high school, he was over it. Over life. Until he met her.

Nejire Hado. The light to his dual world. She made him feel alive. Gave him reason to live. It took longer than it should have to realize she was a narcissist bitch. She would love bomb him just to degraded him. A never ending cycle. He should have ended things but she was the only person giving him any affection. Even if it would only last a second. He couldn't bring himself to leave her. She felt differently.

"Nejire I'm sorry," Tomura cried out. "Would you just drop it? I told you it's over!" She yelled. "Just tell me what I did, I promise I can fix it." No matter how much he begged she continued to walk away. "No one wants to be with a freak like you!"

There was no escape. He was constantly in pain. Physically and emotionally. He turned to self harming. Scratching, cutting, starving himself. Anything he could think of to hurt himself, he did it. But when he was sixteen his parents got divorced. His mother was able to take his sister but she lost custody of him. Leaving him alone with his father.

Death seemed kinder than that fate.

So he chose death. He couldn't do at home, if his father found out he'd kill him himself. School was too risky. So he went to his favorite place. The park. His mother used to take him there after every beaten. He couldn't think of a better way to go out. He decided overdose was the best. That way if any kids found him the wouldn't be traumatized. It was a fool proof plan. It had to work. Obliviously not causing he woke up in the damn hospital.

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now