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Dabi's POV:

I watch the door from my bed. Damn it, I hate waiting. It's been two hours since I've seen Tomura and I'm losing my shit. I prefer our time at night over meal time. That's when I can actually touch him. I highly doubt he'd let me do any of that shit. I can only dream. Being able to her him moan. Hearing him beg. I'm getting hard just thinking about it. My door opens and Nancy steps in. "You still alive?" I quickly get off the bed. "Only when I see you." She roll hers eyes. "Good night Dabi." She closes the door before I can even get close to her. "Wait!" I rush to the door and try to open it. But the bitch locked it. "Damn it!"

What the fuck am I suppose to do now? I won't be able to see him until the morning. And I won't be able to do what I want to do until tomorrow night. Fuck. I pace back and forth in my room trying to figure out how the hell I can get to him. I could just wait.

I hate waiting.

Fuck it, there's only one way to get to him by tonight. I lift up my matters and pull out the screw driver. I walk to my bathroom and stand on the toilet. I carefully remove all the screws from the vent. Shit, I hate doing this. It'll be worth it though. I set everything on the sink. Then I pull myself up.

Not gonna lie, it took too damn long to find his room. Crawling through vents was not like walking through the halls. Eventually, I did find his room. I slam my foot on his vent three times before it broke. I jump onto the floor trying to catch my breath. Damn it is hard to breathe in there.

"It was you?"

I flinch violently at the sudden voice. "T-Tomura?" Did I wake him up? I don't get it, he's such a heavy sleeper. The vent didn't wake him up before, why did it wake him up this time? "A-are you okay? Are you hurt?" I blink out of my thoughts. "Oh, uh...I'm okay." He looks up at the now hole in his ceiling. "Wh-what happen?" I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to explain all this without admitting to everything I had done. He would never even look at me again. "Dabi, are you sure you're okay? Did you hit your head or something?" He looks genuinely concerned. "I said I'm okay." He takes a step back. "I'm sorry." Damn it, I scared him again. It took me fifteen seconds to get my story straight.

"I was trying to escape."

He looks at me confused. "I thought this was where the front doors were." He looks back to the ceiling. "Is that what happen the first time?" He asks. "No. That wasn't me," I lie. "Oh. you need help getting back up?"

And miss out of the opportunity to spend time with you? Not a damn chance.

"I think I'll stay." I walk past him and out of the bathroom. "S-stay? Why?" I sit on his bed. "I get to spend more time with you." His face turns red. He's cute when he's embarrassed. "Come on." I pat on the side of the bed. He nervously sits next to me. I glance at his art wall.

"How did you get so good at drawing?" He follows my gaze. "Oh I just do it a lot. A-at least I used to." I stare at him waiting for him to continue. "I did it a lot in high school. It got me through...everything. Art it like a way to express myself. I mean, words are overrated." The way his eyes light up and smiles, it's not hard to tell that no one gives him this kind of attention. I was fine with that. I would give him so much attention he'd get annoyed.

"What're you doing up so late?" I ask. ", there's a shortage on the medicine I use to help my go to sleep. So...I probably won't be able to sleep much for a month or so." Medicine? So that's why he's such a damn heavy sleeper.

He scratches his forearm. I remember what I saw the other night. "Let me see your arms." He looks at my surprised and confused. And scared. "Wha-what?" I lean into his ear. "Can I see your arms please?" He froze. I gently grab his fore arm and carefully roll up is sleeves.

Tomura's POV:

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Why didn't I stop him? Why am I letting him do this? I feel my breathing pick up. My entire body freezes. He slowly rolls up my sleeve. I look away not wanting to look at the damage I had done to myself. He softy rubs his thumb along my scars.


I look at him at the sound of my name. He raises my arms slightly and softly kisses my wrist. I can feel my body relax slightly. "Never again," he looks me directly in the my eyes. "will you feel the need to do this." He places his hand on my face. "I promise." He pulls away but I quickly grab his wrist to keep his hand in place. "This is weird," I mumble. "How so?" He slowly rubs circles with his thumb on my cheek.

"I don't like being touch," I admit. "But...I like it when you touch me..." I let him go and stand up. "I feel stupid." He follows. "You're not." He smiles at me. Damn, I wanna be able to see that smile everyday. "Would you like me to touch you again?" I look down and nod hesitantly. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest. He slowly moves his hands to my waist. "Is this okay?" I nod into his shoulder. "What about this?" He kneels down and picks me up. "Dabi!" I gasp. "Yes princess?" I can feel my face heat up. "Why would you call me that?" He smiles again. "Cause princesses are pretty. And you're pretty."


He nods. I glare at him. "That's not funny." I release myself from his grasp. "What do you mean?" I get in my bed. "I'm not pretty," I say pulling my blanket over my head. "What're you doing?"

"I'm going to sleep."

"I thought you couldn't sleep."

"I can't."

"So you're just gonna just stare at the wall."

I ignore him. I don't know why I got so damn annoyed all the sudden. He gave me a compliment and I snapped on him. I ruin everything. I feel the side of my bed dip slightly. He wraps his arms around my waist. "I'm not gonna apologize for calling you pretty because you are." There's something telling me to pull away from him. But he was so warm. "And I'm gonna keep calling you pretty until you realize that you are." Why is he being so nice to me? He doesn't even fucking know me.

"You should probably get going. You know with your....escape." I don't know why I'm trying so hard to push him away. I didn't want him to leave. Or escape. I felt happy when I was with him. I felt safe. "Why would I want to leave when I can just stay here? With you."

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now