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"What the fuck are you still doing here?" I grin. "Not happy to see me." Kai rolled his eyes. "Never." I cross my arms. Damn I miss pockets. "Your plan didn't work?" My grin grows wider thinking about last night. "I didn't follow through with it." He gives me a shocked look. "I'm have to be mishearing shit," Himiko laughs. When we turn the corner I see him. Part of me felt like last night was a dream because I've never seen him before but there he was. He was leaning against his door frame with his head turned away. "Mura!" Himiko yells running to him. Me and Kai both stop. "Who the hell is that?" Kai mutters. "And how the hell does she know him?" I ask myself.

He turns his head to us and smiles softly. His eyes are bright red, like rubies. They begin to talk but they're too far away for me to hear him. "I've never seen that guy before...what the fuck?" Kai whispers. "Have you seen him before?" I was going to tell the two of them about what happened but Himiko knows him and she'll think I'm a creep. "No. Never," I lie.

Damn he's beautiful.

I just wanna run my fingers through his hair again. It was so soft. He crosses his arm across his chest. His smile could cure cancer. A tall woman comes out. She guides him into his room. Himiko runs over to us. "Let's go, we're gonna be late for breakfast." Kai holds up his hand. "What the hell was that?" He asks. "Oh, Mura said that he woke up and his vent was broken."

"His name is Mura?" I ask. "Well, his name is Tomura." Tomura. Cute. "Is he new?" Kai asks. "What? No. Tomura has been here longer than all of us. Now come on! I'm hungryyyyyyyy!!" She walks away and we follow.

Now that I think about it Himiko and Tomura being friends can help me learn more about him. And maybe I can find out why I've never seen him before when he's been here for years apparently. "I think they have omelets today!" She sequels. I swear she'll get excited over anything. After we get our food we sit down at our usual table. I stare at the doors waiting for Tomura to come. But he didn't. I look around the cafeteria thinking maybe he was already there. Nothing. What the hell? Where is he? "Kai, can you get me tea?" Himiko asks. "Oh me too." He rolls his eyes. Himiko picks up her plastic spoon and begins to eat.

"How long have you known Tomura?" I ask. "Since I got here." Himiko has been here for two years so...he's been here longer than that? Why the hell is he even here? "He was the one that convinced me to actually take my damn medicine." I cross my arms across my chest. "Why have you never invited him to eat with us?" I tired to figure out why he wasn't here without being too weird. Then again it's fucking Himiko.

She laughs.

"You and Kai are too much for Tomura. Plus, he can't eat in the cafeteria." I give her a confused look. "Why not...?" Before she can answer Kai comes back. He sets our tea in front of us and begins to drink his coffee. "How can you drink that shit black?" Himiko asks. "Everyday. Every fucking day. Bitch I don't know, I just can." While the two of them argue I begin to get lost in my thoughts.

I don't think I've ever thought about a person this much before. I've never even heard his voice. But I couldn't help it. Everything about him was perfect. Fuck I'm obsessed.

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now