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Dabi's POV:

"I-is that...?"

I looked at him and he looked at me.


"Surprise," Fuyumi whispered. "" She nodded. "Holy shit," I mumble. She puts a wallet in my pocket but I barely notice. I notice a girl next to him. Her arm is wrapped around his and she's really close to them. "Omg, Fuyumi Todoroki?" She pulls him over to us. "Hana, hi! Oh my gosh, it's been so long." They both hug. There's something off about the way they're acting. "What are you doing here?" Yumi asks. "Oh, I'm taking Tomura out for his birthday." Birthday? He never mentioned anything about his birthday. Everyone begin to introduce themselves. I turn to him in attempt to ask him about it, but he's already stepped to the side.

I look him up and down. Damn, I didn't think it was possible for him to get hotter. I've never seen him an anything other than the jumpsuit, which is really baggy. Now, I could see his thighs and his ass. I was getting hard just looking at him.

"You're Dabi, right?" Hana asks. "Um, yeah." She grabs my jacket. "I need to talk to you." She pulls me away. "So, you like my brother?" What the fuck. "Excuse me?" She crosses her arms. "Tomura, you're into him." I stare at her blankly. "Please tell me you like him because if you don't then he is going to be crushed." There was desperation in her voice. "Why would he care if I like him?"

Wait. I look back at him. "D-does he like me?" She looks at me like I'm an idiot. "Yes. Yes he likes you. Damn." My heart drops. " you like him?" I can feel myself melting. "How the hell can I not like him?" She starts squealing softly. "Yes, yes, yes, okay, okay, okay. I need you to listen," she says in a demanding tone. "You're going to spend all night with him and there are certain things you can and can not say to him. For example, you say I'm sorry instead of sorry."

Um, backtrack.

"Wait, what? Wh-why does that matter?" I ask. "Tomura overthinks everything. To him 'sorry' seems half assed, 'I'm sorry' sounds like you mean it. Now shut up and listen."

Tomura's POV:

Fuck, why am I here? Why is he here? It was just supposed to be me and Hana. And now there's an entire group here. I scratch my neck rapidly. I want to disappear.

"Are you okay?"

I flinch at the presence of another person. He stares at me blankly. "Um, yeah...I'm okay," I mutter. "I'm sorry. My sister probably dragged you into this." He looks down and scratches his wrist. "It's okay. I think mine was in on it." I notice his breath is uneven. As if he was feeling....anxious. Sometimes I forget other people have mental illness too. And I feel like shit when I witness it in person. "I'm Tomura," I say trying to detract myself from my thoughts. "Shoto." Awkward silence. Fuck I'm a freak.

The coffee was 84 calories which should be easy to burn off. But I didn't see what the muffin was. It had to be two hundred to three hundred. Maybe two hundred fifty. Although I ate less than half of it. So maybe one fifty at the most.

"Babe!" A raven haired female approaches us. "What ride do you wanna go on first?" I take a step back. "Oh, um, I don't know. I've never been to one of these before," Shoto answers. I turn around and walk away. I really don't want to be here.

Dabi's POV:

I had finally memorized the list Hana gave me. It seemed pointless to me but if it would help his chances with Tomura I'm not complaining. I walk behind him and place my hand on his waist. He turns to me surprised. "Hi," I whispered. "Hello," he mumbles. "Wanna get out of here?" He tilts his head. "And go where?"

"We can go anywhere."

I grab his hand and pull him though the gate. "You know, I'm a little disappointed." He gets slightly scared and pulls away. "Um...w-whys that." I intertwine our fingers. His hands were freezing. "You never told me it was your birthday." I see him relax slightly. "Oh. I'm sorry, I um, I don't really knowledge my birthday like that. It's just the only day I get to see Hana." I notice he looks anxious. "I've been thinking about this for a while," I blurt out. "Thinking about what?" He asks. "Taking you on a date." His face goes bright red. "A-a date?" I nod. "You want to go on a date" I stop walking. He does the same. I cup his face. He doesn't tense up. He doesn't stop breathing. He just stares at me wide eyed.

His bright ruby eyes shined in the moonlight.

"Can I kiss you?" I whisper. I've never asked someone to kiss them. To touch them. I never had to. No one ever wanted me to. But with him, I had to. And I liked that. Being slow and easy. Being with him.

"Yes," he says in a shaky voice. I slowly lean down and place my lips on his. He instantly leans into it. I move my hands to his waist and pull him closer to me. I wanted this moment to last forever. But it didn't. He pulled away and looked down. "I'm sorry," he mutters. "That was really bad, wasn't it...?" Why does he always think badly about himself? Did I do something to make him think that? Who the hell made him feel this way? I'll kill them. "No, it wasn't." I pull him back to me, keeping my hands on his waist. "Honest." He smiles softly. He sways slightly. "Are you okay?" He nods. "Yeah, I'm just...tired. Which is surprising..."

"Get on my back."

He takes a step back. "Wha-what?" He asks confused. "I'll carry you. That way you won't have to walk." He fidget with his fingers. "I don't know...I think I'd be too heavy." No more negative talk. "Well, you can either get on my back or I can carry you bridal style." He stares at me blankly. "Turn around." I do as he says and kneel down. He gets on my back and wraps his arms around my neck. I stand up, expecting to struggle, but that shit didn't happen. It was like he didn't weigh anything. I was kind of torn. I'm glad I didn't have a problem picking him up because it would have made him 'spiral'. But it was concerning.

"Let's get something to eat," I say, adjusting him on my back. I can feel people staring at us. I was scared that it was gonna bother Tomura, but he just laughed every time I moved him up my back to make sure he doesn't fall. "What'd you want." I watch him scratch his wrist. "Um, I'm not really hungry." I rub his thigh softly. "Have you had lunch?" I ask. " really."

Hana told me when if I asked a question like that he would lie. But he didn't. Does that mean he trust me?

"Holy shit, funnel cake." Sorry, ADD moment. I hear him gasp softy. I walk over to the food cart. I let him down and we both look at the menu mesmerized. "Dabi, I don't have any money," he whispers. "Don't worry about it." I pull out the wallet form my back pocket. "Wanna share one?" He nods. "One funnel cake." I hand the man a twenty. He takes it and puts it in the cash register. He hands me a five dollar bill and a quarter. I take it from him but I drop the quarter. It rolls down the road. "I'll get," Tomura says following it.

Tomura's POV:

I follow the quarter down the street. I didn't run after it. I always felt stupid or awkward when I run. Eventually it falls over. I kneel down to pick it up. I turn back to head the way I came from.


I stop dead in my tracks. I know that voice. I slowly turn around. "Oh shit, Tomura!" No. No, no, no, no. Why her? Why does she have to be here? "I haven't seen you since high school!" I clench my jaw. "Hey...Nejire."

She laughs. "Look at you! You look good. Little bit on the lighter side but what else is new? Have to been eating okay?" I couldn't form any words. "Don't tell me you still have that eating disorder thing." She sighs. "I'm telling you, all you have to do is stop thinking so much. Just eat. It's not that big of a deal."

I can feel my heart pounding. My legs were shaking. I was was like I was fourteen all over again.

"Babe." A blonde man comes up to her side. "Oh, Tomura this is Mirio, my boyfriend. Honey this is Tomura. We used to go out, back in school." Worst year of my fucking life. "Honestly I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you didn't like to be around people." There she goes, taunting me. "I-I don't. I'm here with a friend of mine." She gasp. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I shake my head. "Come on," she groans. "You're really cute, if you just paid attention to other people, people would like you."

Paid attention to other people.

She turns to her boyfriend. "It was like I didn't even exist to him when we were together," she complains. "He never wanted to go out, and whenever I asked he would always make up some lame excuse. He blamed it on his 'anxiety'. But he just never wanted to do anything nice for me. Worst boyfriend ever." She pats my shoulder, causing me to flinch. "I feel bad for the poor soul you pull next," she says laughing. I pull away from her and run away.

Bathroom. I need a bathroom. I walk around for about five minutes before I find a small building labeled restrooms. I go inside and walk to the biggest stall. I don't even bother locking it. I get on my knees and lean over the toilet.

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now