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Dabi's POV:

I watch Tomura walk down the street. He stops and begins to talk to this girl. As if she knew him. "Here you go sir." I turn back to the man who pushes a plate towards me. "Thanks." I look back at Tomura but he's gone. Like he just disappeared. "Um, I-I'll be right back." I walk down the street he went down. I look around to see if I can spot him. He has fucking blue hair, it's impossible to miss him.

I see the girl he was talking to. "Um, excuse me?" She turns to me a smile. "I-I saw you talking to a blue hair male. He's tall and skinn-" She starts laughing. "Oh, you mean Tomura?" I nod. "Yes. Do you know where he went?" She points behind me. "I saw him going towards the bathroom."

DO NOT let him into the bathroom by himself. That way he won't purge.


I run towards the way she pointed. Shit, why did I let him walk off on his own. There had to be some trigger, right? What the hell, I was watching him the whole time. What happen? Was it the girl? Did she say something. I swear if that bitch said something I'll gut her.

After what feels like forever, I find the restrooms. As soon as I go inside I hear someone crying. "Tomura?" The crying stops for a second, only to become louder. I walk into the stall. And there he was. In the corner with his face buried in his knees and arms.


I quickly get on the floor next to him. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He looks up at me and starts sobbing even harder.

Yup, I'm gutting the bitch.

"I'm a fucking freak." I grab his hand. "No you're not Tomura." He pulls away. "Hey." I hold his face and use my thumbs to wipe his tears. "It's okay. Just tell me what happen." He stares at me like he's about to cry again. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't care." He takes my hands off his face and moves away from me. "We can't be together," he mutters. "Wha-what?" He wipes his face with his sleeve. "You can't be with me." My heart started to throb. "What'd you mean? I-I thought you liked me..." He starts cry silently. "I'm not good for you. You need someone that can make you happy. I can't even make myself happy."

I sigh in relief. It's not that he didn't like me, or that he didn't want to be with me. He just doubted himself to be in a relationship.

"I'm a fucking mess. I'm self centered and annoying an-and I don't pay attention to other people and I'm a bad boyfriend. I'd just make you...unhappy."

I grab his arm causing him to look back at me. "Hey, that's not fair. I spent an entire year in that damn hospital and I hated every minute. I was always angry. I wanted to escape and just disappear. Forget about everyone. But then I met you." I brush his bangs out of his eyes. "And I wasn't angry anymore. I'm only happy when I'm with you. You're unlike anyone I've ever met. You're nice and you care about people and you're a fucking amazing artist. I like you and I want to be with you. Forever. I wanna know everything about you."

"I tried to kill myself."

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now