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Tomura's POV:

I jolt awake. I feel cold. And uneasy. I cross my arms across my stomach and pull my knees to my chest. I notice my sleeves are rolled up. I don't remember doing that. I never do that. I pull them down and cover my hands. It must have happened when I was sleeping. I throw my blanket off me and get up. I straighten out my blanket. Then I realize a few strands of hair on my pillow. Is my fucking hair falling out? I throw them on the floor. I pull a fold out chair from behind my bed. I set it up about five feet in front of my bed.

*knock* *knock*

I jump slightly at the sudden sound. "C-come in." A tall man steps in. "Good morning Tomura." I smile softly. "Good Morning Dr. Aizawa." He glances to the floor. "Is everything okay?" I nod. "You haven't been feeling anxious, have you?" I shake my head. That's a weird question to start off with. I notice he's looking at the hair on the floor. "Oh. I-I didn't pull it out. I think it came out in my sleep." He nods. "Let's get started." I sit on the bed and he sits in the chair.

"How have you been feeling?" I wipe my palms on my knees. "I'm okay." For the first time in a while that was true. I was feeling okay. And it was weird. "Have you been eating well?" I nod. "Words Tomura." I pull down my sleeves, covering my hands. "Yes," I answer. "Do they still itch?" I rub my hand on my forearm. "Sometimes." He crosses his legs. "Are you gonna talk in word sentences the whole sessions?" I smile. "Maybe." He leans forward and softly presses on my scalp. "Doesn't it still hurt?" he asks. "No." He gives me his dadziawa look. "No, it doesn't hurt."

I have a problem with pulling out my hair whenever I'm having a panic attack. It made my scalp really sensitive. So I don't understand how Dabi was able to touch me there without it hurting. It felt...nice...? I kind of want him to do it again...

"Tomura, are you alright?" He places the back of his hand on my forehead. "You're bright red. Are you sick?" Damn it, why do I get like this whenever I think about him? "I'm okay." He sighs. "Why don't you tell me what you're thinking about?" I look down. "It's stupid." He tilts his head to look at my face. "What's our rule?"

"Share all feelings and emotions because everything we feel is valid."

He nods. "That's right. So whatever you are thinking or feeling, is not stupid." I bite the inside of my cheek. "There's this boy..." He looks at me surprised. "Oh?" I smile to myself at just the thought of him. "He's really nice. And he cares about me. And he doesn't make me feel annoying." It felt weird to have these kinds of feelings for someone. Does he feel the same? He does touch me a lot. But that doesn't mean anything. Not all touch is positive. "Does this boy have a name?"


His face drops. "Dabi?" I nod. Aizawa knew everyone here and why they were here. Even if he didn't have sessions with him he knew their entire life story. Judging by his facial expression, Dabi doesn't have a good one. "Tomura has he...has he told you why he's here?" He didn't seem like he had a mental illness. Not any I had at least. It could be D.I.D or bipolar. I just don't get that kind of vibe from him. So maybe he's a criminal...? "Um, no. He hasn't," I say, separating myself from my thoughts. "Would you like to know?"

hello fellow humans
i have noticed two or three people following along with this story and i dearly appreciate it
i was wondering if you guys could please give me some feedback. i know its not realistic and that none of this shit happens in a real mental hospital, but are you guys enjoying it?

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now