day eight ... 8

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you headed downstairs ready to begin the day as a normal student again. zeen was already there with heechan sitting at the dining table eating something that heechan probally made for all of you. you walked over to the fridge and grabbed one of the few chocolate vinalla milkshakes left and drank it. 

not long after you had started eating you got a text message on your phone.

wonyoung: hey just here to wish you a good day for school and don't get into trouble. 👻

you: haha okay but i can't promise you 😀

wonyoung: typing.....

you: anyways gotta go cya on saturday 🙃

wonyoung: yh

you grabbed your school bag and walked out with the boys following you out of the house. you had to remember to register your brother in so he can attend school with you instead of walking around the place/town not knowing where he's meant to even be. when you three arrived at school people started surronding your car trying to see who was with you. when you got out people backed away for a while before they started taking photos and videos of the 3 of you walking out together.

stranger one: hey y/n wheres Haejun he's usually with you and Zeen

stranger two: did you ditch Haejun?

you and zeen decided to ignore them and walk towards your lockers. when you got there, there were some people who were surronding it whispering and muttering amongst them selfs. by the time you got to your locker there was a note that clearly seemed like it had been stuck on your locker for a while.

이것이 당신이 얻는 것 Lee y/n (this is what you get Lee y/n)

at first you were confused but then the hand writing started making sense to you so you ripped it off and threw it at the bin. you got what you needed and headed towards the main office but when you got there the principal was already awaiting you at his desk. you could tell something wasn't right bye the time you stepped foot in. the principal looked pissed and disgusted at you but yet you didn't know why. suddenly you recieved a text message from a unknown number.

unknown: 당신이 마땅한 것을 얻었기를 바랍니다. (i hope you got what you deserved) 😶

you: typing...

unknown: 그것의 회수 시간 y/n 잊지 마세요. (its pay back time y/n don't forget it)

you: 미안하지만 나는 당신이 누구인지 전혀 모릅니다. 당신이 나에게 반대하는 것이 무엇이든 텍스트가 아닌 내 얼굴에 말할 수 있습니다. 또한 지금 학교에 있는 나에게 문자를 보내지 마세요. 매우 감사합니다. (im sorry but i don't know who you are at all. whatever you have against me you can say it to my face not over text. also please don't text me im at school right now. thank you very much)

before the person could text back you turned of your phone and took a seat in front of the principal with your brother taking the chair next to you.

principal: y/n... i've been told you bully student... is that "leans forward on his chair" is this true?

you: "straight face" whatever you believe is the truth sir so if ive bullied someone then its true unless you don't believe it?

principal: y/n "sighs" your one of the best students i've ever had in my school. i just don't know what to believe. "looks at heechan" listen im going to give you a chance if you blow it then i have no options but to expell you from my school.

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