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the table went completely quiet. Wonyoung looked up from her plate of food and stared at Soojin and Zeen. the question that y/n had asked lingered in the air for some time before. Yeeso, Hyujin, Lucas and Sj looked at each other before all 4 of them excused themselves taking Rose with them so she didn't have to hear what the parents were talking about. once the kid's were out Zeen glared at y/n as if he just seen a ghost, soojin on the other hand looked at wonyoung. there were high tension in the room. not long after the silence y/n slammed his hand on the table which shocked the other 3. 

y/n: Soojin I won't ask again.
Soojin: Just hear me and Zeen out okay. 
y/n: contuine I wanna hear what you have to say
Zeen: Wonyoung babe it's not what you think okay. "Zeens leans to take Wonyoungs hand but she moved it away quickly"
Wonyoung: I can't believe the two of you. And after we all had kid's. what is the meaning of this? "she looks up at Zeen" I thought I was able to trust you. guess not. 
Zeen: y/n fix this why'd you have to bring this up?
y/n: "Y/n shruggs Zeens question off, never taking his eyes of Soojin" answer the stupid question. What does a Cat suddenly catch your tongue?
Soojin: I-i
Zeen: "cut in Soojins question" I forced her to kiss me, okay. But that's that there's no meaning of a kiss between me and her.
y/n: sure lie to me all you want.

y/n stood up from the table and walked out leaving Wonyoung to stay with them but Sj came in and took her out leaving Soojin and Zeen in there to talk. Wonyoung was shocked to see someone else's child helping her get out of a uncomfortable situtation.

Wonyoung: why are you helping me?
Sj: you just seemed a bit shocked on the dinner table trust me I didn't think our holiday could get any worse but it turns out it did. Beside Hyujin told me a lot about you and Yeeso. He doesn't show how much he miss's the two of you but when I see him look at you and Yeeso I know he wants to come back to you. he just doesn't want to admit it at this point because he's afraid of what mum would say if he suddenly said he wanted to come back to Korea and pay a little visit to you.
Wonyoung: and how am I supposed to know what your saying is true?
Sj: I get my honestly from my dad

Wonyoung sat in silence next to Sj. Not long Y/n came out and stood in front of her, she looked to her side to if Sj was there but he had left. Y/n's hand suddenly came in front of her. She hesitated to grab but instead he grabbed her hand himself and heaved her up so she would stand on her on feet.

y/n: you alright?
Wonyoung: "sighs" yeah just a little shocked that's all.
y/n: sorry I had to say it on the table I didn't mean to shock you. I.... I just don't know what to do at this point because I'm getting pissed easily now.
Wonyoung: wae? your usually keeping your anger in
y/n: yeah I used to know how to do that.
Wonyoung: you suddenly don't.

Y/n looked at Wonyoung and he stared for a bit longer then he was meant to her beauty still got to him. she was still pretty disbite being older then her younger self. It's been long since he's seen someone looking like her. He shook his head and decided to walk where the kid's were. Hyujin stood up and was about to say something but Lucas pulled him back down because Wonyoung followed him. There was a bit of silence only there breathes can be heard in the cold night.

y/n: let's go back into the house none of you should be sick plus Sj, Lucas and Hyujin you three can't be sick you all have games coming on and to be frank I want out teams to be playing against each other again so we can't risk the star player getting sick.
Hyujin: But dad-
Yeeso: Hyujin let's just go you heard the boss.

Yeeso lifted a sleeping Rose off Lucas's leg and carried her to her room. Hyujin knew what to do and listened he signaled Lucas and Sj to follow him. Y/n turned around and looked at wonyoung who had been watching Hyujin's movement.

y/n: you should go back too. call the girls to come down and give you company you and Soojin should also stay away from each other for a while.

Wonyoung walked away in peace but her heart hurt seeing y/n keep stuff in by himself. Just as she walked in the house Zeen stood in front of her. He seemed like he was really sorry but he just couldn't get the words to come out of his mouth so it was much harder then he thought when he practiced what he was going to say to her. Wonyoung stared at him before briely brushing past him as if she didn't know him at all. Zeen tried to grab his hand but Wonyoung slapped him in the face and walked away into their room and threw some blankets and pillow out side to Zeen signalling the fact that he was going to sleep outside. Zeen grabbed the blanket and pillow and swiftly walked to Lucas's room. Hyujin walked out just as Zeen himself opened the door. Lucas stared blankly at his dad which made him feel like and outsider to Lucas. Soojin on the other hand was in her room waiting for y/n to comeback but he wasn't in the house at all. so she thought the unthinkable and walked into Wonyoung's room but to her surprise he wasn't inside her room too. She walked to Hyujina and Sj's room to see him sitting on Sj's bed.

Soojin: aren't you going to come soon?
y/n: yeah I'll come soon.
Soojin: okay make it quick I need to have a chat with you.
y/n: yeah I got you just go back I need to help Sj here as you can clearly see.

Soojin nodded and walked out on her own.

Zeen found himself sleeping on the same bed as Soojin.  y/n on the other hand was with Wonyoung in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. As Wonyoung was making the food the kid's came out with hyper energy.

Hyujin: Hey mum can you drop us to aunty Rei's house?
Wonyoung: wae?
Hyujin: she called me saying she has something to give to Rose and Yeeso.
y/n: I'll drop you off i need to buy some morning pills for someone.
Lucas: cool then mum you want to come?
Wonyoung: it's alright I'll stay with Yeeso, Sj and Rose you two go with your dad Hyujin.
Hyujin: okay.. sweet thanks mum.

when the two left y/n grabbed wonyoug's hand.
y/n: why arent you coming?
Wonyoung: cause I don't want to
y/n: fine

he let go of her hand and took of the apron he grabbed his phone and keys before walking outside to where the boys had waited. wonyoung walked to Yeeso and Rose's room. she layed down on the other side of Rose.

Later on.
y/n and the boys came back Zeen adn Soojin seemed to have gone out somewhere. Hyujin and Lucas challenged themselves against Sj so the three ended up going to play basket ball outside Yeeso seemed to have woken up and followed the boys. y/n walked to where Wonyoung was and covered her with a blanket not knowing she was awake. he moved a strand of her hair out of her face and smiled as she saw Rose hugging Wonyoung tighter then he's seen her hug her own mum. He sat next to Rose to his surprise she was awake. she put her left hand out and wanted him to lie down which he did meaning he would be in touch with Wonyoung. As he laid down Rose snuggled closer to Wonyoung. 

by evening Wonyoung and y/n were hugging while they were sleeping. y/n woke up and didn't move at all as he didn't want to wake up wonyoung. when she did wake up she didn't move also as she thought that he was sleeping. when the two did get up they stared at each other for sometime before y/n leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips.

y/n: I missed you........

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