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-Ok ok, I'll be there in an hour- he put his cell phone away and called for a taxi.

Bradley was returning from a work trip, just looking forward to getting home and resting. He was struck by Chris's enthusiasm when he called him hours before, he had told him he had found something great on the Internet and wanted to show him because it would help him. The last thing he wanted was self-help articles or anything like that, he was fine and didn't want anything else.

They had been roommates for some years, while working and paying the expensive rent, it was an area close to their workplaces, quiet and comfortable to live, so working as a team made it easier for them. Chris was easygoing, at times annoying, but overall, a normal person to share an apartment with. Maybe he was annoyed by the number of times he brought a girl and that every month it would be a different one, he was just beginning to get to know them a little bit and then there was already another person roaming the halls. It's not that his partner does it on purpose, just because of circumstances or others their relationships weren't lasting, it's not that Bradley has different luck either, and it's not that he tried to change her either. It's just that he did notice that some of his friend's behaviors didn't make the relationships stable, as much as he wished otherwise. Luckily with his friends everything was calmer, at least.

He sighed with relief when he reached the door of the apartment, he was going to have some time off, and he was very grateful for that, if he was already bored working in that place where he had already decided to leave it until he found something better, at least he could get rid of it for a while he found something interesting to do.

-Hey Bradley, how did it go? -Chris hugs him and helps him with his suitcase.

-Hi, I'm fine, a lot of work, you know.

He went to his room and fell straight into his bed, it was already getting dark and he felt tired.

Chris knocks and opens his door- Hey, I ordered pizza, let me know when you're ready to eat.

-What? - Chris closed the door.

Bradley made an effort to get up, rub his eyes and go take a shower. It was because of these details that he came to like Chris, he often bought food for both of them and he had to admit that pizza was a good idea for this moment.

The pizza arrived and they ate together, Bradley told him vague details about the trip as they watched a random channel on TV, Chris finished eating in a quicker time than expected since he had been waiting for him to eat dinner. He thanked his partner and set out to go back to his room. He was pulling out some clothes of his luggage when Chris quickly came in and sits on his bed with his laptop in his hands.

- Chris, I told you that...

- No, wait! Bradley, you have to see this- he interrupts him. He puts the laptop on the bed and shows him the screen where he can see some kind of chat between Chris and someone else. Bradley tries to identify what's interesting there.


-Look, I found this page a few weeks ago and it's great, you just press a button and it sends you to chat with any random person, at the beginning they only ask for your location so they can contact you with someone nearby- he exclaimed enthusiastically, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, flashes of amusement and curiosity for his friend's reaction.


- It's totally anonymous, and if you like someone you can save them as a contact and...

- Okay, now get out of my room- Bradley encouraged him with his hands to get up from his bed and pick up his laptop. Chris ignored him and moved closer to him to show him the screen again.

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