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The wind came through the open window and tickled the bare skin of her waist, cooling her a little, but she was still too tired to react to it, a placid memory wandering in her sleep.



what do you think of the mornings?




yeah do you prefer them to nights?


Do you ask this question to everyone? Is this a test? because it's so random haha.


no silly, it's a simple question :) in fact, we talk about a lot of random things here


you're right

Well I don't know, in the morning I do what I like, the sun is nice and I have more energy. In the evenings I get bored, and I just get sleepy, there's nothing else to do.


the sun is nice

i don't think i've ever heard anyone say that before

it's usually the other way around


maybe I'm a bit unusual


i knew it since i saw that you write with capital letters and dots

like... who the hell writes like that on the internet?


I just think you're lazy.


you sound like my dad


Yeah, bedtime, I'm going to get my pills.


exactly like that!


After a few minutes impossible to calculate how many it was, that area was covered in heat, an arm pulling her around the waist woke her up, her light body was easily moved to the other side of the bed, where the sun's rays were falling, along with a sleepy murmur that sounded close to her ear.

What. She was about to scream until she recognized the arm and the deep voice. Moving her legs a little the pain made her recapitulate the events of the previous day.

Fighting Bradley's strength was hard, his arm held her heavily. So she tried just turning in the same position, which made her realize her muscles still weren't ready for anything, despite that, she managed to turn around ending up face to face with him. He looked sound asleep, just breathing with his knees drawn up and his arm still over her. And she remembered well that they had not slept that way during the night. She always had that cushion to cuddle on, and well, for him curling up seemed to be his favorite position.

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